Town crier: Dec. 12, 2015

Published 2:15 pm Saturday, December 12, 2015

Photo Contest: River Valley River Commission sponsors a photo contest of Christmas photos from area residents. Deadline for entry is Dec. 13. Online voting is Dec. 14-21 on the RVRC Farecbook page, and the winner will be announced Dec. 23. Photo with the most likes to be featured on the 2016 RVRC Christmas card. Contest rules and entry form available at (clock on News and Events).

Leadership Development: The Advancing Sumter Community Leadership Development Program is accepting applications for its 2016 sessions. Classes are held frpm 5:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesdays from Jan. 19-April 5. Applications are found at Select Chamber of Commerce, Workforce Development Division, Advancing Sumter. The fee is $50. Deadline for applications is Dec. 18. For information call Archway Professional Mary Alice Applegate, 229-938-9385 or; or Andrea Oates, 229-931-2705 or

Free Tree Spraying: The Americus Fire & Emergency Services sprays Christmas trees with fire retardant free through Dec. 23 at Station 1 at the Russell Thomas Public Safety Bulding, South Lee Street.

Leadership Development: The Advancing Sumter Community Leadership Development Program is accepting applications for its 2016 sessions. Classes are held from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays from Jan. 19 – April 5. Applications are found at Select Chamber of Commerce, Workforce Development Division, Advancing Sumter.Fee is $50. Deadline for applications is Dec. 4. For information call Archway Professional Mary Alice Applegate, 229-938-9385 or; or Andrea Oates, 229-931-2705 or

Elves for Seniors: Innovative Senior Solutions (ISS), Caring 4 Seniors Foundation, and Eazy Ride Auto Sales is collecting gifts to distribute to seniors and disables individuals in the community. Items being collected are blankets, socks, gloves, toiletries, groceries, gift cards, crossword puzzles, etc. The participating schools will receive a special prize from ISS. Drop off donations at 231 W. Lamar St., or 912 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Deadline is Dec. 9. For information call Donna Whitt, 2290928-3673, ext. 109.

Food Service Training: Servsafe Training for Food Service Managers is Jan 25 and 26. Pre-registration is required by Jan. 8. Cost is $140. Call 924-4476 for more information or stop by the Sumter County Extension Office, Sumter County Agricultural Center, 127 William Bowen Pointe.

Relay for Life Shirt: Americus Fire & Emergency Services’ new 2015 t-shirts are in and ready for sale. Call Harriett Williams at 924-3213 to order. Funds go toward Relay for Life.

Volunteers Needed: Learning for Everyone Inc. (LEAP) is seeking volunteers for its Mentor Partnership with the Sumter County School System. Volunteers will mentor children in the grades 3-9. Interested applicants may check out our website at or contact Brittany Dawson, Mentor coordinator at 229-924-9443 or They may also attend our mentor trainings. Mentor trainings are held at 5:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month at 200 Cotton Ave.

Volunteers Needed: The Flint River Chapter of the American Red Cross seeks volunteers willing to invest time in Disaster Preparedness Education for our chapter and the surrounding areas. We are looking for dedicated individuals that are willing to speak and train others on what to do before, during and after a disaster. Any volunteer with time on his/her hands is an excellent candidate for this program. This is of vital importance to our area as we never know when a disaster will happen. Call Marvin Grace, Community Disaster Educator at 229-733-9738 or the chapter at 229-436-4845 for more information.

Weight Watchers: Weight Watchers meets Thursdays at First Presbyterian Church, 125 S. Jackson St. Weigh-in is at 5 p.m., followed by meeting at 5:30 p.m. Visit

Become a Mentor:  LEAP “Learning for Everyone … Avenue to Progress” continues to provide mentorship to elementary, middle and ninth-grade academy students and free adult education classes to the citizens of Sumter County. LEAP is currently accepting applications for the 2013-2014 school year. Applicants need to be 18 or older and commit 30 minutes per week for one academic school year. For more information or to make a donation, contact Brittany Dawson at or call at 229-924-9443.

Mustard Seed House: Calvary Episcopal Church’s Mustard Seed House is open from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. every Saturday on Brannan Avenue. Stop by for some great deals.

Al-Anon: You do not have to be an alcoholic to suffer from the effects of alcoholism. Al-Anon offers a safe place to recover from the effects of another person’s drinking. Meetings are 7-8 p.m. Tuesdays at the AA Clubhouse, Ga. Highway 30. All meetings are confidential and open to interested persons.

A.A. Meetings: Alcoholics Anonymous meets from 3-4 p.m. Wednesdays at New Beginnings and the Addiction Recovery Center of Middle Flint Behavioral Healthcare, 952 Anthony St. (across from GSW baseball field). Call 928-2201 for more information.

Help Available: The ROAD Program (Reaching Out to Assess Dementia) is a free and confidential memory screening. The  goal at the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving is to screen for memory loss and refer for further follow-up, as indicated. Stay active in your care and decision making. Call today for free screening 229-928-1234.