Your opinion: June 22, 2016
Published 5:00 pm Thursday, June 23, 2016
Chiropractic: the conservative approach to pain management
ATLANTA — With an opioid epidemic sweeping the country, including Georgia, chiropractors across the state are standing up to offer the conservative approach for pain management.
“I think the recent passing of the musician Prince has really opened the public’s eyes to the dangers of opioid use,” said Dr. Edwin Davis, president of the Georgia Chiropractic Association.
“Even before then, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention passed down new guidelines on prescribing pain medication. It’s a rapidly growing problem.
“Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, conservative approach for pain relief,” Davis continued.
“More than 1,200 Georgians died from an opioid overdose in 2014. This is a crisis, and at the end of the day it’s about real people seeking relief from pain.”
Multiple studies have shown chiropractic as an effective solution for musculoskeletal pain, particularly lower-back pain. An estimated 80 percent of Americans are expected to suffer from back pain at some point in their lives, with an estimated cost of $100 billion annually in lost productivity and for the health care system.
“Chiropractors are the practical approach to pain management and relief,” Davis said. “There are certain situations where prescription medication and surgical intervention are necessary. However, there are many situations where those solutions are extreme and could be avoided if the correct care is provided.”
Georgians can find a GCA chiropractor near them by visiting
The Georgia Chiropractic Association promotes a pain-free Georgia. The association has been protecting the health and wellness of patients since 1912 by promoting the rights of Georgia doctors of chiropractic to practice within the entire scope of their education and training. For patient health and wellness tips, visit For more information on GCA, please visit
Georgia Chiropractic Association