Plains High Class of ‘66 marks 50 years
Published 8:00 pm Thursday, July 28, 2016
- The Plains High School Class of '66 at the reunion.
PLAINS — The Plains High School Class of 1966 recently held its 50-year class reunion. The 1967 class was invited to join them for this special get-together. The venue for the event, “Gloryland,” was graciously provided by Gloria and Mill Simmons of Plains. Mill Simmons is a 1966 Plains High graduate and his farm, “Gloryland” is located just outside of Plains.
“Welcome back” balloons marked the gate for the Plains High School (PHS) Buffaloes and their guests. The classmates gathered at Mill’s Big Red Barn, which was decorated beautifully in the PHS school colors, blue and white.
All the classmates, 24 from 1966, and 19 from 1967, enjoyed trying to recognize each other and reminiscing about the old days. Some of the classmates had not seen each other in almost 50 years. Most of the spouses retreated to the spacious deck, overlooking the pond, to enjoy delicious finger foods and drinks.
Each class member was presented a memory book upon arrival and enjoyed other memorabilia which was brought in by various classmates. Music of the ‘60s continuously played in the background.
After greeting and visiting with each other, the group enjoyed a delicious barbecue dinner catered by Tommy Tyler (also a member of the class of 1966) and his wife Sandy.
Following dinner, a group of the 1966 classmates recreated their reading of the “class prophecy” just as it was presented at the ’66 PHS graduation exercises.
Those attending were Bonnie Buchanan Morgan, Steve Buchanan, Sue Dickerson Jameson, Phil Guest, James Howard, Linda Howard Pritchard, Martha Johnson Arrington, Wayne Murray, Dan Parker, Patsy Parker Whitaker, Terrie Ratliff Street, Mary Jean Rogers Huffstutler, Steve Roach, Neal Rooks, Judy Speegle Reece, Martha Ann Sewell Fennessy, Mill Simmons Billy Stubbs, Carol Tanner Gariner, Cathy Toms Clark Reynolds, Tommy Tyler, Murray Walters, Peggy Williams Rumsey, and Maria Weldon Howell from the class of ‘66.
Attending from the class of 1967 were:Thomas Jackson, Don Murray, Vertis Marchant, Gladys Shutters Andrews, Sara Logan, Nancy Woods Coker, Janice Dickerson Beamon, Janice Revel Storey, Clarice Greene Bly, Carolyn Regan Horne, Carol Everett Gosa, Brenda Wise Robertson, Judy Whitten Reeves, Walter Davenport, Vi Pilcher Roach, Phillip Moore, and Carol Brown.
Former teachers attending included Sandra Gay, Johnny Lightner, and JoAnn Pope.