Your take: March 23, 2019
Published 2:49 pm Saturday, March 23, 2019
Georgia Southwestern State University’s Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) organized a gathering at the flag pole on GSW’s campus for the National Collegiate Day of Prayer. Held Feb. 28, students across the nation assembled for a united, multi-generational day of prayer for revival and awakening on college campuses in America. The rain held off just long enough for GSW students, staff, community pastors, and campus ministries to hold hands and pray for the community and GSW campus. Brian Puckett, BCM director and organizer of the event, stated, ‘We had a good turnout this morning. We joined our hearts in prayer for students, staff, faculty, and administration. I believe God is at work on our campus and you could really see that in the hearts and prayers of our students.’