Your opinion: Aug. 21, 2019

Published 10:28 am Thursday, August 22, 2019

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Celebration of a life filled with goodness, unity, love
Those who attended the funeral service for Alton Shell at First Baptist Church, in Americus, were welcomed with reminders of a great man and his leadership impact on Americus and Sumter County.
Part of the gathering was many successful players that were touched by Coach Shell, Doug Parrish and other coaches and team support members. With numerous region, Georgia state championships and a ranking as #2 Football Team in the Nation, the 1970’s were the time for affiliation with Americus High School. All players, coaches and family members, who were part of a thought-provoking eulogy, brought the spirit of team unity, community acceptance of possible racial strife during the early days of integration in Americus and Sumter County, to an increase of appreciation of personal qualities and unified goals.
Alton Shell was a leader in so many areas of life in Sumter County. In his death, the legacy of love for fellow citizens In Americus and Sumter County was the foundation message of the service. Most all who paid tribute to Alton Shell called for the unity naming of the future football stadium. The name, Americus-Sumter High Football Stadium, as a tribute of Alton Shell leadership, was mentioned many times. The legacy of Coach Alton Shell can lead to new cooperation in this community!
Mulkey McMichael
Buena Vista

Schley Family Connection updates
These are a few updates for Schley County Family Connection:
• The collaborative meets at noon Thursday at Ellaville Baptist Church. We will meet Harley Calhoun, principal, Schley County Middle-High School. Olivia Mallichek, CEO, Schley County Senior Center, will discuss the two grants the center recently received. Both grants were prepared and submitted by Schley County Family Connection. Kevin Brown will discuss he importance of Census 2020 to Schley County. Lunch will be served, so please RSVP.
• Our Sept. 26 meeting will include a presentation by Rodney Wall, Resource Officer for the Schley County School System, on school security. Alex Hadley, Communities Heart to Heart Inc. in Buena Vista, will discuss two grants the organization recently received. Both grants were prepared by Schley County Family Connection.
• The Ellaville/Schley County Historical Society will have its annual Auction and barbecue on Sept. 14 at the American Legion in Ellaville. Entertainment from the Lonesome Road Blue Grass Band begins at 4:30 p.m. with a live Auction at 6:30 p.m. B’s BBQ in Ellaville is preparing the barbecue. There will be a quilt raffle with tickets only $1. All proceeds will be used to preserve the history of Ellaville and Schley County. For information, call 937-2116.
• The collaborative is awaiting the results of two grant applications. Cool Kid’s Café, a program for special needs students, has applied for $6,500 to purchase a new stove, refrigerator, and supplies for their kitchen at Schley County Middle-High School. Deep South Canine Inc. Rescue, a 501c3 no kill dog shelter in Schley County, has applied for $5,000 to purchase dog food, housing, supplies, and a microchip reader. We should hear back on the approval of these grants later in the fall.
• Special thanks to the John Lewis Resource Center and Schley County Middle-High School for having successful summer food programs. About 155 children received free meals each weekday in Schley County during the months of June and July. The Summer Café is sponsored by Feeding the Valley in Columbus.
• The collaborative made its second delivery of school supplies to Schley County Elementary School on Friday. The supplies were donated by several local donors.
John T. Greene, coordinator
Georgia Family Connection
Schley County Collaborative