Sheriff Bryant explains possible implementation of cameras and speed detection devices in school zones at BOC Work Session
Published 1:35 pm Friday, January 14, 2022
- Sumter County Sheriff Eric Bryant proposed the implementation of a camera/speed detection device to be placed in all school zones throughout the county. He made this proposal to the Sumter County Board of Commissioners at its work session last Tuesday.
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AMERICUS – In addition to the numerous topics that were discussed at the Sumter County Board of Commissioners (BOC) Work Session, Sumter County Sheriff Eric Bryant proposed to the BOC the implementation of cameras/speed detection devices inside school zones throughout the county.
“We have been approached by a company to implement a camera/speed detection device within our school zones,” Bryant told the BOC. “And what this device will allow is to help enforce speed within all of the school zones throughout the county’s jurisdiction.” Bryant went on to say that this system is self-sustained and that the company does everything to include mailing out violation notifications and collecting fees, but all of those are approved by a designated person in the Sheriff’s Office.
“We thought this was an effective and efficient tool to help make sure that people are maintaining appropriate speeds within the school zone,” Bryant said. He added that another added feature of the technology is that these cameras will continue to police these streets 24 hours a day, seven days a week. “The way it was described, we can actually set a limit in the camera system so that if a vehicle is traveling within a school zone outside of school hours exceeding, say 25 miles an hour or more over the posted limit, they will also get a notification about speeding in those areas,” Bryant said. He added that this project has been implemented in neighboring counties and stated that the Sheriff’s Office plans to educate the public about this technology if the BOC approves its implementation.
“At this time, we are recommending that you all review that ordinance and if there is an agreement to approve the ordinance for implementation of the speed and camera device within our school zones,” Bryant told the BOC.
Board Chairman Mark Waddell asked Bryant if the company that came up with the system takes a cut of the fees that are charged to violators and Bryant replied that this is correct. “That’s how they make their profit,” Bryant said.
The actual ordinance that Bryant was referring to is stated like this:
- New Article IV Section 104 through Section 109 of Chapter 66 of the Code of Ordinances of Sumter County, Georgia to enact provisions pertaining to the use of automated traffic enforcement safety systems in school zones located within unincorporated Sumter County; To repeal existing ordinances; To provide an effective date and for other purposes.
Waddell stated that County Attorney Kimberly Reid has not had a chance to review it and that the BOC would like to take more time to look at the proposed implementation and then carry it forward to the regular meeting next Tuesday.
Bryant replied that he is fine with the BOC reviewing the proposal.