Storm Water Fund transfers

Published 6:17 pm Sunday, July 14, 2024

It was brought to the attention of the ATR that transfers occurred from the Stormwater Fund. During the year 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2023, $285,000 was transferred from the fund into the general fund, with a listing that the transfer was budgeted. From 01/01/2024 to 05/07/2024, $95,000 were transferred, with a total budgeted transfer of $285,000.

Georgia Municode Sec. 90-504, C, states that “All revenues and receipts of the stormwater utility shall be placed in the stormwater utility enterprise fund in trust, to be expended solely for stormwater management purposes.”

When questioned whether the transfer to the general budget of the $285,000 during 2023 was authorized by mayor and council, Mayor Lee Kinnamon replied; “Yeah. It’s a budget item.”

Kinnamon responded when questioned whether the money was supposed to be held in trust for stormwater; “we’ll have to ask our city attorney about that. I would defer to our city attorney. He’s not going to be here tonight.”

When asked of the transferred funds were used for storm water, Kinnamon replied; “Some transfers are allowed.”

Council member Daryl Dowdell had previously expressed concerns about whether vehicles paid for with stormwater funds could be used by other departments. When asked if the transfer of funds was a concern for him, he replied; “It’s concerning, yes.”