How I try to keep a social life
Published 7:44 pm Saturday, November 30, 2024
I admit, my life probably isn’t very social. I’m introverted, and have often held the habit of avoiding unnecessary conversations. But awhile ago I decided this was only bound to lead to a lonely, boring life, and made concerted efforts to correct my course.
One of these efforts was becoming a journalist, since it entails talking to complete strangers who have no idea who I am, at least, at first. Another method I found was keeping the three spheres, work, home, and church, in the same town. I’ve commuted before. I prefer not commutting. Living in the community you go to church in has the advantage that you will occasionally run into people you know and who care about you, even when you don’t plan it. People plan a lot, but everyone’s plans seem to be taking them quite far apart from each other.
Still, journalism can have its challenges. You may spend your time talking to so many hundreds of people that its hard to remember names, and occupations escape you. I try to correct this by realizing that if I’m asking for someone’s time, I should be willing to give them mine in return, even if it’s in precious supply. If I have a couple minutes to talk to them about something unrelated to the interview that interests them, I should.
I would say that as a reporter I am learning much more about the social organism of the small town than I ever did before. I still don’t necessary I think I understand it. I am dimly aware that everyone I talk to has a giant branching network that floats above their heads at all times, visible only to the initiated. Familial, work, and social relationships all cris and cross. You realize that people have history. You may even become part of it.
I’m still not entirely sure what I think of living inside the City limits. I think sometimes its easy for me to get caught up in learning what I feel I need to know, instead of just enjoying the adventure of learning new faces and new habits from old faces. But all and all, it keeps me busy.