Boy Scout Troop 21 holds Court of Honor

Published 11:05 am Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Boy Scout Troop 21 held a Court of Honor on December 2. The ceremony celebrated the achievement of Scouts who earned merit badges and progressed in rank. The ceremony began with the posting of the colors and the pledge of allegiance.

Zayden Lyles achieved the rank of Scout 11/22/2024. His cross over ceremony from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts was held during the Court of Honor. Lyles achieved the Arrow of Light, the highest award in Cub Scouts. Lyles was presented a hatchet, to be used once he passes his safety course. He also completed a merit badge.

Adam Kelly is a venture scout, having graduated out of Boy Scouts. In addition to merit badges, Kelly earned the James M. Stuart Good Citizenship Award.

Davis Holloway received merit badges, one of which was required for the rank of Eagle Scout. Holloway is currently working towards earning his Eagle.

Hayden Wells achieved the rank of Scout 2/12/2024, and the rank of Tenderfoot 9/23/2024. He holds the position of quarter master of the troop, and received recognition for merit badges earned.

Hunter Wainwright achieved the rank of Star Scout on 2/5/2024. He is serving as the patrol leader, and was recognized for earning merit badges.

Jack Ball achieved the rank of Scout 10/21/2024, and earned merit badges.

Levi Jones achieved the rank of Scout 11/22/2024, and earned a merit badge.

Owen Williams achieved Second Class rank on 3/18/2024. He is serving the troop as assistant patrol leader, and earned merit badges.

Paul Grimes achieved First Class rank on 11/11/2024. He has also recently started serving as instructor, and earned merit badges.

Wiley Stewart achieved the rank of Eagle Scout on 4/14/2024. For every five merit badges earned after Eagle, a scout receives a palm. He received a bronze palm, his first gold palm, his first silver palm, his second bronze palm, and his second gold palm.

Wyatt Brunson achieved the rank of First Class on 4/22/2024. He is also the Troop scribe, and earning merit badges.

Zach Cook achieved the rank of Life Scout on 3/18/2024. He also received merit badges.

Wainwright and Brunson were also recognized for their recent induction into the Order of the Arrow. Troop 21 also won a blue ribbon in a recent district campout competition.