Board of Commissioners vote not to renew dirt road contract
Published 8:27 pm Wednesday, December 18, 2024
- Jim Littlefield commented on dirt road maintenance.
The Sumter County Board of Commissioners met on December 17. Clerk of Court Cortisa Barthell brought information to the Board of Commissioners about delays at the Clerk of Court’s office. She told how the company providing the software her office uses had been bought out. She stated that customer support after the buyout had issues. In response to questions about how the County could support Barthell, she noted a full-time bookkeeper would be of use.
Interim County Administrator Douglas Eaves questioned the Board on whether or not to continue the dirt road contract with Wendell Swartz’s company. “Do you want to maintain the contract and go forward, or do you want to give the 90 days-notice and build up our own in-house crew?”
County Commissioner Jim Reid commented. “We don’t have the personnel, that’s the reason we hired a contractor.” He commented further; “our roads are now in probably some of the best shape they’ve probably been in the last 20 years.” He gave issues with hiring. “At our pay scale, you’re not [going to] hire anybody that can operate that equipment and maintain the roads like they’re being maintained right now.”
Commissioner Clay Jones stated that Public Works Director Jim Littlefield had disagreed on the quality of the dirt road contractor.
Reid gave a road as an example of the contractor’s work. “Before they started Burma Road was impassable.”
Littlefield disagreed. “Burma road was not impassable.”
Reid qualified his statement. “It was rough.”
Commissioner Jessie Smith countered Reid, stating he had heard complaints about Cowpen road, along with two other roads. He stated the complaints alleged that; “the County was doing a better job.”
In response to questioning by Jones, Eaves commented on available funding for either continuing the contract or using public works. “There was no money allocated for the six months of the contract. There’s was no money allocated for the hiring of the new staff either.”
Littlefield stated that the Road Superintendent Greg West was preparing staff to take over the dirt roads. He also addressed the lack of complaints heard by Reid. “Mr. Reid, [the] main reason you don’t get the calls, they call public works like they’re supposed to.”
Commissioner Mark Waddell commented. “We’re at a point to where we don’t have money allocated to fulfill another six months, so we have no choice but to, right now, go [with] what Mr. West has been doing.”
Reid questioned West on manpower. “Do you have manpower that you feel is capable of operating that motor grader?”
West replied; “yes sir.”
The Board voted to terminate the contract, with Smith, Waddell, and Jones voting for termination, and Reid voting against.