Tasha Carter awarded during School Board awards

Published 1:42 pm Monday, January 13, 2025

The Sumter County School Board met on January 7. Tasha Carter, a teacher at Sumter County Elementary School, was recognized during board recognitions. Carter was selected to receive the Mentor Award for the Southwest P12 collaborative. The award was initiated by the Georgia Association of Colleges for teacher education.

Kimothy Hadley presented CCRPI data. He gave content mastery by school for the year 2024. Sumter County Primary School was 50.8, Sumter County Elementary School was 49.8, Sumter County Intermediate School (Elementary) was 40.5, Sumter County Intermediate School (Middle) was 29.7, the only one to decrease, Sumter County Middle School was 36.1, and Sumter County Highschool was 40.1.

Hadley also gave scores for the category of closing the gaps for 2024, noting targets were not met in both Sumter County Intermediate School (Middle), which received a zero due to all targets being missed, and Sumter County Middle School, which received a 79.0.

Superintendent Walter Knighton explained the closing the gaps category. “With the closing the gap, each subgroup, i.e., whether it be ethnicity or it be exceptional Ed, regular Ed, each subgroup has a, their own specific goal or target. And if that subgroup doesn’t meet that target, then they’re not allowed to get points for those particular areas.”

Hadley gave the graduation rate at 98.8%.

Finance Director Natacha Merritt gave the finance report as of December 31. She gave the day-to-day general fund balance as $15,814,909.65, and Special and Capital Project Accounts at $6,244,595.45,