Americus City Council hears of sewage issues on January 30

Published 10:28 am Monday, February 3, 2025

The Americus City Council met on January 30. Mayor Christmas made a motion to adopt Amendment 1 to the 11 21 2024 version of the City Budget. He noted the revisions. “One is expenditures. It resulted in a deletion of expenditures of $608,136. After the reductions, it reduced the revenue estimate by $524,624.” He stated the projected millage rate increase went from 3 mill down to 1.5 mill, resulting in a projected millage rate of 12.62 mills if the amendment was adopted. Council member Nicole Smith seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The Council then voted on whether to adopt the amended budget. Smith made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kelvin Pless, passing unanimously. The Council then adjourned their budget meeting, moving into their regular meeting.

Smith’s nominee for honorary Council Member for the month of January, Pat Spann, was recognized. Mayor Lee Kinnamon presented Spann with a proclamation. Spann is a local business owner and restaurateur.

Stan Folsom addressed the Council during Citizen’s Comments. Folsom owns a business at 130 West Lamar Street. He stated there were sewer issues. “I’m at the very end of the line. There’s only three buildings on that line, and of course, where does the backup go? Least resistance.”

Folsom stated that even when the City cleaned the line, there were issues. “City’s Maintenance Department comes in, gets the clean-out plug, and when they start blowing that out, I’ve got sewage running all out.” He stated that it ran under his building.

Kirk Lyman-Barner, another local businessman, has used bamboo toilet paper, which dissolves more readily in an attempt to prevent clogs. However, the issue has been persistent.

Folsom did state he had gotten quick responses from the City. “Now, when I call them, they are out there pretty quick, and I appreciate that.”

He stated the pipes were the problem. “The problem is it goes down the building, makes a 90 degree, makes another 90 degree. With our environmentally friendly toilets that use what, a gallon and a half, it’s not going to push it through.”

Folsom gave the solution. “It needs to come straight out of my building, straight out of Kirk’s building out into the street.” He reiterated the need for action. “Its nasty.”

During a discussion of 2025 Contracts for Service, Council member Daryl Dowdell stated a desire for a representative of the Humane Society to report to the City Council. He stated he had expressed a similar desire in the past.

City Manager Diadra Powell commented. “They’re required to report what they’re spending the monies on to the City, just like all the other entities are.” Powell asked for clarification. “So are you requesting that somebody from that particular organization come speak to the Council?”

Dowdell responded. “That’s what I’ve been requesting since [the] budget meeting.”

Smith commented. “In this same budget meeting, we said that, you Mayor, and our City Manager arranged a meeting to talk with them.” She asked if the meeting had taken place.

Kinnamon replied. “Not to make an excuse, but I have not been able to do that.” Kinnamon recently experienced a death in the family. Kinnamon asked Powell or the City Clerk to arrange an appearance by Lisa Whitaker, Chair of the Sumter County Humane Society. Powell responded. “We will do our very best.”

Public Works Director George Allen then presented a request for approval to seek bids for four new entry way signs. Smith made a motion, seconded by Dowdell, passing unanimously.

Kinnamon commented on appointments. “We’ve learned that the Andersonville Trail is no longer an active organization with a Board, and I would entertain a motion per the recommendation of the City Attorney that we table this indefinitely in the event that this is reactivated.” Dowdell made a motion, seconded by Smith, passing unanimously.

Council member Dr. Terrence Clemmons made a motion to reappoint Lou Chase to the Airport Authority. Council member Kelvin Pless seconded the measure. Smith and Christmas also voted for the measure, with Dowdell against. When asked why he voted against the nomination, Dowdell commented. “I just thought we could find somebody better suited for that appointment.”

Smith made a motion to reappoint Christmas to the Airport Authority, seconded by Dowdell. The vote was unanimous aside from Christmas’s abstention.