Further details revealed in adjudication irregularities for Lower Chattahoochee River Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor
Published 9:27 am Monday, February 3, 2025
Further details have been revealed in the adjudication irregularities in the November 5 election for the position of Lower Chattahoochee River Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor. In a January 29 email, LaSandra Patterson made a statement on the adjudications. “To answer your question, there was no adjudication log and the adjudication was done by myself.”
Write-ins such as Thomas Taylor, Marcus Arnett, Myles Paramore, Jones, Dillan Brogden, Sam Peavy, Anthony Dunning, and Clay Jones were all adjudicated to Jeffery Clements.
The Coalition for Good Governance supplied several records from Freedom of Information Requests. The Report of Elections Superintendent Lower Chattahoochee River Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisor Election contains the following information. “The following is a true and correct report of the election superintendent for Sumter County, Georgia, of the election for the district supervisors of the Lower Chattahoochee River Soil and Water Conservation District. I respectfully submit the following report of votes cast for qualified candidates: 1. Votes cast for Jeffrey Clements Number 1,750.” The document is dated 11-7-2024. The votes for the November 5 election were certified on November 12, 2024. The document is signed by elections supervisor LaSandra Patterson.
Patterson contacted Board of Elections Chair Dr. Shirley Latimore on January 17, 2025, stating the following: “I’m writing this statement to self-report the allegations of adjudicating votes in the November 5, 2024, General Election for the Soil and Water Conversation District Supervisor. After the election was over, I notice that the name & votes for Jeffery Clements wasn’t showing up on any of the RTR reports. At this point I contacted Chris Bellow for assistant on how to correct the problem. I misunderstood his directions and accepted all write in votes for Jeffery Clements, which gave him 1750 in votes for that particular race; when reviewing the CVR report, he only received 1210 in votes.”
In an email from Patterson dated January 21, 2025, Patterson writes the following: “Good Morning Board Members, Concerning the Soil and Water ORR. I followed the steps for processing adjudication, but it may not have been followed properly however, the process of adjudication was completed according to the steps that the SOS provides to our office and every office of Election. I have self-reported to the SOS office my error and is awaiting further assistant from them. I have been referring all ORR to them and answering what I could provide.” The document bears the Arnold and Hooks Attorneys at Law Letterhead.