November: Home Health Awareness Month
Published 3:21 pm Monday, December 7, 2015
- Innovative Senior Solutions’ CNAs in its Cordele office, from left, Kakala Adams,Catrina Green, Doretha Burnette, Dorothy McCloud, Patricia Law and Katrina McCloud.
AMERICUS — During Home Health Month, the week of Nov. 9-13, home health aides were recognized for their hard work and dedication.
Each day Innovative Senior Solutions (ISS) had a special activity planned for CNAs and PCAs. Monday was breakfast on the go. Tuesday was Trivia Tuesday where aides were asked a question about ISS and a correct answer was awared with a prize. Wednesday and Friday, aides had a pizza social and were given t-shirts and lanyards. Thursday was Thankful Thursday when aides received a poem entitled “So God Made a CNA.”
ISS is very thankful for their CNAs and PCAs. Their passion and dedication to take care of seniors and those with disabilities is a character to be truly admired.