Nancy M. Young: March 19, 2016
Published 5:00 pm Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Wesleyan Group, Ellaville United Methodist Church meets
On March 7 the Wesleyan Group of the Ellaville United Methodist Church held its monthly meeting.
President Sharon Wall called the meeting to order with Ann Gill opening with prayer.
Many activities that are coming up were discussed.
The church hosted the pastors in our District. The meeting began at 10 a.m. and lunch was served at noon by the women of the church.
The church has rented a place at Chehaw Park in Albany. After church services on Sunday, March 20, they will travel there for the children’s Easter Egg Hunt.
The Wesleyan Foundation served lunch March 15 at Georgia Southwestern State University to a very special group of college students.
Methodist Men meet at 7 p.m. March 21 at the church for the monthly meeting.
Breakfast will be served at the church after the Easter Sunrise Service. This is a special time when the Methodists and Baptists come together on Easter Sunday morning. Please feel free to come and join us.
After the meeting Nora Morrow presented the program, taking information from a book written by Charlie Shedd. She read about how patient a mule is compared to a horse or a pony. The mules always wait for their masters; horses don’t. The message was to be patient and wait for God to lead you, and don’t be in such a hurry to get somewhere. Let your aster lead you in the right direction.
After the meeting and program refreshments were served by Nancy Young. Others present were Elaine Barwick, Judy McClellon, Sharon Wall, Mary Ellen McCorkle, Nora Morrow, Ann Gill and Marianne Phillips.
Schley Family Connection to meet
Schley County Family Connection meets at noon March 24 at the American Legion in Ellaville, for a very special meeting, “Partners Education Georgia’s Future Work Force.”
Lunch will be served before the meeting. The meeting will focus on economic development and Georgia’s (CTAE) offerings.
This will be a chance for all local businesses and Industries in Schley County and all surrounding area to learn more about the Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education Program in Georgia and to develop new partnerships with Schley County School System.
Candace J. Hood, Region 8 Georgia Department of Labor Economic Development coordinator, is guest speaker. Plan to attend.
Be sure to let John Greene know if you will attend or not for a lunch count.
New sign welcomes guests to Ellaville
If you haven’t seen our new Welcome Sign you should ride and look at it. The sign has been placed on the northwest corner of U.S. Highway 19 and Ga. Highway 26.
This lovely sign welcomes guests to Ellaville as they travel the roads. This project has been in the works for awhile.
Ellaville City Manager Lynne McChargue worked on this special project.
Schley 4-H participates in peanut nutrition competition
Schley County 4-Hers in grades 5-8 entered competed in a Peanut Nutrition Contest by submitting recipes for their favorite peanut butter products.
Peanuts and peanut products play a vital role in our county and state.
Our local 4-Hers had a chance to learn about the importance of peanuts in Georgia and the versatility of peanut products. Before entering the 4-Hers had to make their own recipes which were judged and the best over all were selected.
The Best Over All Awards were presented to T.C. Hood, a fifth-grader for Peanut Butter Cookies. Other winners were Destiny Baker and Anna Trussell for Peanut Butter Pie, Shiann Smith for Buck Eye Balls and Maribeth Arthur for Peanut Butter Cookies.
Each participant received a T-shirt from the Georgia Peanut Commission and certificates. Congratulation to these five 4-Hers on a job well done.
Springtime Ellaville coming April 9
The annual Springtime Ellaville event is April 9.
Vendors will purchase booth space for crafts, flowers, foods and more. Vendors may start setting up at 6 p.m. April 8 and must be set up by 7:30 a.m. on April 9. If interested in a booth, pick up a form at the Ellaville Floral Shop. First come, first served. Booths open the day of the event at 8 a.m. and close at 5 p.m.
The event’s first activity a one-mile walk and 5K run through downtown Ellaville. Registration starts at 7:30 a.m. in the City Park. Registration forms may be picked up at the Ellaville Floral Shop. T-shirts will be available to those who pre-register. Contact Kay McCarty.
The parade begins at 1 p.m. Entry forms are available at the Floral Shop. The parade theme is “There’s No Place Like Home.”
The highlight of the event will be a concert. Gates open at 6 p.m. This concert features two local artists. Andy Miller opens at 7 p.m. Brent Cobb, Nashville recording artist, performs at 8 p.m. His music is rooted in traditional country and bluegrass sounds. He has just written a song with Miranda Lambert called “Country California Called Him.” He is one of Nashville’s sharpest upcoming songwriters today. They say he might be just the person to bring some rural reality back to country radio.
Concert tickets are on sale now: $15/advance and $30/day of the event. Call 937-2262 to purchase your tickets with a debit or credit card.
Schley High students attend State FBLA Conference
On March 6-8, a group of Schley County High School students attended the state Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Conference in Athens. Three of the students advance to the National Conference June 28-July 2 in Atlanta.
Those that are advancing to Nationals FBLA are Ashley Moore, a sophomore, who took first place in public speaking; Ginny Calhoun, a sophomore who took second place in Introduction to Financial Math and fourth in accounting; and Michael Leeder, a senior. who won second place in Client Services.
All three received a large medal and a plaque.
Congratulations all of our students for placing so high in the state, and thank you to Tera Cheek who is their leader in FBLA.