Cheokas faces opposition in May, again in November
Published 12:00 pm Monday, May 2, 2016
AMERICUS — Incumbent state Rep. Mike Cheokas, R-Americus, faces another Republican in the May 24 Primary Election, Tommy Pilcher of Ellaville. Whoever wins the Primary will face Democrat Bill McGowan in the November General Election.
Cheokas has served in the Georgia State House for the past 12 years and says he is proud of his record.
“I didn’t run for this office for a title,” he said. “I ran to be an effective leader for our families and businesses.”
Of his service to the citizens of District 138, Cheokas said, “Throughout my time in office, I have worked hard and delivered for our community time and time again. When it came to protecting our conservative principles, I was there to keep taxes low, protect our religious freedoms and preserve our gun rights. When Georgia Southwestern University needed funding for a nursing school, I delivered. To
improve our schools, I have fought to reduce the reliance on mandated testing on students, preserved local control and secured vital funding for education. When Marion County needed a greenhouse at their high school, I got the job done. I have protected taxpayers by balancing the budget, keeping taxes low and identifying and cutting wasteful spending. To improve our infrastructure, roads and bridges, I delivered vital funding to be used here at home instead of Atlanta. And I have used my experience as a small business owner to pass reforms that are growing our economy and have made Georgia the number 1 state in the nation to do business.
“When the people of this district have needed me, I have been there to deliver for them. I have been accessible to those I serve and have always had an open door policy here at home and at the state Capitol. I do not just work for our community during the 40 days the Legislature is in Session; I work for you every day.
“Our community simply cannot afford to elect a typical politician who will talk but not deliver. I am asking for the people of Chattahoochee, Marion, Schley and Sumter Counties to re-elect me on May 24 so I can continue delivering for them.”
Tommy Pilcher currently serve as chairman of the Schley County Board of Education. He is a graduate of Tri-County High School, and attended college until becoming a golf course superintendent.
Asked about his qualifications for the State House, Pilcher said, “I have spent most of my life working with the public. I have learned you have to listen and have vision in order to make positive changes. Serving on the Schley County Board of Education has allowed me to work with others to make decisions that open doors for our students. I believe I have the integrity it takes to make decisions that will benefit all. Also, as former business owner of Wolf Creek Golf Club, I know how hard the government can be on a small business. I will fight to lessen the load placed on small businesses.
“I have been blessed to meet many people in our district these last few weeks. In every town I have visited, people are concerned about the economy and disconnect between the government and the people. Each county of District 138 has different needs and I plan on knowing what they are and helping meet those needs when possible. The state’s economy is growing and so are colleges, but District 138 is not improving. We have to pull together and work harder to bring back jobs. Outstanding students are graduation from our schools but after college or trade school they have to move to get jobs. Our most valuable asset is then lost. I believe rural America is the backbone of the country but the headlines today are the demise of rural America. I want to change those headlines because I believe in the people of District 138. I am asking for your vote on May 24, so we can begin to change the headlines.”