Nancy M. Young: June 18, 2016
Published 11:00 pm Monday, June 20, 2016
Ellaville-Schley County Historical Society board meets
On June 7, the Ellaville-Schley County Historical Society board met for the first time in its office since the courthouse was renovated. The board discussed fixing up the office as well as having a small museum.
We have hung some pictures as well as memorial and honor plaques. We will be adding some more furniture as well.
The annual Historical Auction was discussed. It will be Sept. 17 at the Thomas Edwin Wall Post 191 American Legion. More information is forthcoming. The auction is major fundraiser for the historical society.
The historical society had all the doors upstairs and downstairs refinished for the courthouse as well as planting flower beds in front.
We’ve replaced the cannon balls on the Confederate statue in the park, as well as placed a sign in the City Cemetery. That’s where the proceeds of the auction have been used.
If anyone would like to make a donation to the auction please call Nancy McMath Young at 229-937-2116 or Kim Lawhorn at 229-937-2701. You do not have to live here or be a member to donate to the local historical society. Anyone is welcomed to join.
Local history was made the evening of June 7 at the courthouse when people were stuck on the elevator for the first time at the newly renovated courthouse. This elevator was installed recently in the courthouse. Two women were inside the elevator.
Congratulations to Schley County GED graduates
On June 7, the Schley County GED graduates were honored with a Graduation Celebration at 7 p.m. at the Ellaville City Center. This yearly event is sponsored by the Schley County Adult Education Advisory Board, Schley County Family Connection, and South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) in Americus.
The program started with Faye Frazier welcoming everyone and giving the invocation. She also introduced the graduates and the committee members.
Dinner was served by the committee members. Tables were decorated with a checker board table cloth with a red bucket decorated with black lace and small balloons. This was the center piece and was surrounded with tea candles. They served pizza, fresh garden salad, strawberry shortcake, soft drinks and water.
After dinner Jan Hobgood, assistant vice president of Adult Education at SGTC presented each graduate with awards: classroom note book, coffee mug, SGTC tumbler, and a graduation frog.
The 2016 Schley County graduates are Conner Brye Barrow, Pablo Castaneda, Bethany Ashley Coe, Jacob Wilson Cromer, David Justin Dean, Jacob Tharpe Grant, Zackary Joseph Howell, Arrolyn Rose Isaacs, Summer Rose Jaynes, Lorenzo Jenkins, Ashley Victoria Larson, Keyanna Latrice Mitchell, Clayton Scott Nelson, Ashley Elizabeth Stanford, Madeline Hailey Stephens and Matthew Austin Wilson.
There were 48 that attended this special event. The benediction was given by Faye Frazier.
A special thank you to Jan Hobgood of SGTC, Schley County Adult Education advisory board, Schley County Family Connections, and Carlene Beckwith and Connie Hammack, SGTC’s Schley County instructors.
Ellaville Methodist Church sings for Perfect Care
On June 2, the Ellaville United Methodist Church Choir went to Perfect Care for their monthly singing for the residents.
Those that attended were the Rev. Jonathan and LeeAnn Beckum, Olivia Mallichek, Sharon Wall Tyrus Gill and Choir Director Mary Nan Pilcher.
Jonathan sang several specials and ended their special visit with prayer.
Golden anniversary celebrated with family
On May 28, the family of Sammy and Mary Nan Pilcher had a special dinner at Daphne Lodge, celebrating their 50 years of marriage.
It was decorated with gold balloons, ribbons, candy jars, and a sign that read “Just Married , 50 Years Ago.”
Those that attended were their children and grandchildren: Alan, Sharon and Andy Miller of Ellaville; Mike and Cynthia Sanseverino and daughters Kayla and Sarah Sanseverino, all of Parkland, Fla.; Tommy Pilcher of Ellaville; and Dave, Carla Murray and daughters Trina and Anna Rae Murray, all of Buena Vista.
Mary Nan said that she and Sammy eloped 50 years ago and they look forward to many more years together.
From all of us in Ellaville, congratulations to the both of you!