Nancy M. Young: Sept. 3, 2016
Published 7:00 pm Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Five friends spend several days at Pine Mountain
On Aug. 15, five close friends from the local area left for Pine Mountain for a few days together. They returned home on Aug. 18.
Jacquelyn Dillard was host at her daughter and son-in-law’s, Jolynn and A.J. Morris’, lodge on Pine Mountain.
Those who went were Joyce Perry of Americus, Gloria Dixon of Cordele, Betty Flanders of Valdosta, and Joanna Johnson and Jacquelyn Dillard, both of Ellaville. They all enjoyed playing bridge and being together.
David Gooding and sons visit family in Ellaville
On Aug.18, David Gooding and his sons, George and Christen Gooding, came to visit with his mother and the boys’ grandmother Margaret Gooding, and his other family members in Ellaville.
They live in Seattle, Washington, and David comes to visit about three times a year. These are always special visits.
They left on Aug. 25, to return to Seattle.
Ellaville police chief attends training conference
Ellaville Police Chief Robbie Lightner attended the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police (GACP) Annual Training Conference as part of his continuing education and training in the administration of law enforcement. Heads of law enforcement agencies throughout Georgia participated in the four-day conference.
The conference was held July 24-27 at the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center.
This year’s conference training covered a variety of topic, ranging from legislative updates to unmanned aircraft systems, among others
Lightner was among more than 500-plus heads of law enforcement agencies in attendance.
Dunwoody Police Chief Billy Grogan, president of GAPC, said, “Law enforcement executives face a multitude of challenges in carrying out their duties and responsibilities in their local communities. These challenges have never been greater than they are today.”
This year’s training conference provided outstanding training and networking opportunities for these law enforcement leaders so they can continue to build positive relationships with their communities while providing exceptional service.
Georgia dove hunters happy as season opens today
The Georgia Dove Season opens today. The official 2016-2017 Dove Season consists of the following dates: Sept. 3-18, Oct. 9-28, and Nov. 24-Jan. 15.
The time to hunt doves is from noon until sunset on opening day, and from a half-hour before sunrise to a half-hour before sunset for the remainder of the season.
Many public dove fields are reserved solely for quota hunts on opening day. Be sure to know your Dove Hunting Rules and Regulations to ensure the field that you’ve been invited to hunt on is being reserved.
The daily bag limit is 15 doves per day per hunter. All auto-loading or repeating shot guns must be plugged with no more than three shot gun shells in the gun. If any hunter wants to hunt he must be either invited to the hunt or have permission to hunt on a special field.
Doves hunters must be 16 years of age or older. They must have a Georgia Hunting License and a free Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program Permit.
When hunting on a Wildlife Management Area, you also must possess a WMA License.
Hunters may purchase licenses online at www. They can obtain permits passes or by phone [1-800-366-2661] or at a license vendor.
I was raised with all kind of bird hunters and married one as well. This is a special time of the year. Have an enjoyable and safe season.