Nancy M. Young: Sept. 20, 2016
Published 3:00 pm Monday, September 12, 2016
Ellaville-Schley Historical Society auction committee meets
On Aug. 30 the Ellaville-Schley County Historical Society auction committee met to finalize plans for its upcoming auction event Saturday, Sept. 17 at the local American Legion in Ellaville.
There will be some special things this year, new to the auction such as a Ruger .22 rifle. This is a good time to buy a gun as it’s getting close to Christmas.
There will be an antique car display starting at around 4:30 p.m. If anyone would like to display a car, they are welcome to do so at no charge.
Come on down early and enjoy supper. Barbecue sandwiches, potato chips, cake and drinks of all kinds will be available from 5:30 p.m. The Auction begins at 7 p.m.
The Quilt Raffle will also be held. The quilt was made by member Lettie Royal, a master quilt maker. To see the quilt, go to Gill’s Drugs. You can buy a raffle ticket there and at Ellaville Floral Shop and The Pizza Place or from any member.
There will also be a 50/50 Drawing.
You do not have to be a member to come or to donate an item for the Auction. Donations are tax-deductible.
All proceeds go to help preserve Ellaville and Schley County history.
Special announcement on Zika virus prevention
This is a special announcement from the Schley County Health Department and the Georgia Department of Public Health.
Zika virus prevention begins with you. Last summer in Georgia also brought with it the peak of mosquitoes season. Avoiding being bitten by mosquitoes is now more important than ever because mosquitoes can carry harmful diseases such as West Nile virus, Chikungunya, and Zika virus.
Zika virus is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected mosquito (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus). These are both aggressive mosquitoes that bite mostly during the daytime. These mosquitoes primarily live near peoples’ homes and do not fly very far. Both species breed in containers, so removing containers or dumping out any standing water at least once a week or using larvicides such as torpedoes in water that cannot be dumped out will reduce the number of these mosquitoes around the home.
The Zika virus illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting a week. Many people do not have symptoms or will have only a mild symptom; however, Zika infection during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects. A pregnant woman can pass Zika virus to her fetus during pregnancy or around the time of birth. There is currently no vaccine to protect humans against Zika virus infection.
The most common symptoms of Zika virus disease are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes). Other symptoms include muscle pain and headache. The sickness is usually mild with symptoms lasting for several days to a week. People usually don’t get sick enough to go to the hospital, and they very rarely die of Zika, but it can be passed on through blood transfusions as well as sex.
Currently in Georgia, there are 65 travel cases of Zika.This means that people have been infected by going to other countries and bringing it back to Georgia.
Beware and try not to be bitten by mosquitoes. For more information on Zika virus in Georgia, visit the Georgia Department of Public Health or the Center for Disease Control websites.
Schley County won’t be raising taxes this year
Schley County have two governing boards that have announced their plans to keep tax rates the same for another year.
The Schley County Board of Education plans a net property tax rate of 16.679, which is the same as it has been for two years.
The Schley County Board of Commissioners proposes a property tax rate of 12.307 which is also unchanged.
Schley Family Connection holds monthly meeting
On Aug. 25, Schley County Family Connection held its monthly meeting at the American Legion in Ellaville
The Rev. Jesse Carson open the meeting with the blessing. A delicious meal was served to all 21 members present.
After lunch, Carey Wooten, testing coordinator for the Schley County School System, reported on the Georgia Milestones End of Grade Tests that were given to the high school students in the spring of 2016. All students in grades 3 through 8 performed at a level of proficiency and a distinguished level that was higher than the levels for the state of Georgia the 32-county RESA region.
High school students in Schley County also scored higher than the state and RESA region averages in the areas of literacy comprehension, Algebra 1, geometry, physical science, biology, U.S. history and economics. The only area they were below the state was the 9th grade literacy comprehension.
Adam Hathaway, superintendent, explained the Georgia Milestone Testing process and commended students, teachers, and parents for their great effort.
Michael Johnson, Georgia Family Connection Partnership, introduced the new logo for Family Connection.
Liz Wise of West Central Regional Navigator of Affordable Healthcare, explained the sign-up process. Anyone that would like to get help applying for insurance through the Affordable Healthcare Act or for information call call Liz at 1-866-988-8246.
Brenda Welch, Schley County Extension Service, reported on Summer 4-H Camp results and the new Cookies for the P¬¬¬¬olice program. Brenda also reported that several people have applied for the Extension agent position (county agent) and the field of candidates is being narrowed.
Nancy Collins, Middle Flint Behavioral Healthcare, announced that World AIDS Day is Dec. 3 and there will be an event at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Americus.
Kristy Smith, Schley County Health nurse, reported that August was Immunization Awareness Month. She also reported on the Zika virus.
Gary Moore, USA Healthcare, reported that there are not any major changes in Medicare for Schley County.
Stephen Woodson, Truancy officer, reported there were no cases of truancy in the Schley County School System since the new school year started.
Elaine Gillispie, field representative for Congressman Sanford Bishop, reported on Bishop’s plans for the next legislative year in Congress.
John Greene, Schley Family Connection coordinator, reported on the Back to School Bash held Aug. 6 along with the Schley County Health Department and what a success it was. Free school supplies were presented to 150 low-income students and families in Schley County.
The Family Connection received a $5,000 grant from the Flint Energies Foundation for Kool Kids Cafe of Schley County Middle/High School students.