Nancy M. Young: Oct. 8, 2016
Published 7:30 pm Monday, October 10, 2016
First ‘Smoke on the Square’ Backyard Barbecue is Oct. 15
The Ellaville- Schley County Chamber of Commerce, the City of Ellaville and Chad’s Paint and Body are co-sponsoring the first barbecue event to be held Oct. 15 on the square, downtown Ellaville. With cooler temperatures and fall in the air, this will be a great time for a big barbecue.
The three businesses invite vendors to help make this event successful with a lot of fun. Vendors can register for booths and be a part of the “Smoke on the Square” Barbecue Cook-Off. All vendors’ booths will be downtown on the square.
Each booth space is a 12×12 area, having enough space to sell food of any kind, toys and much more. The cost is one booth/$40, two booths/$60 and three booths/$75. If electricity is needed, add $10.
For information call 229-937- 2262 or e- mail
Vendors can start setting up at 6 p.m. Oct. 14. Booths must be ready to start serving the public and ready for business no later than 7:30 a.m. Oct. 15.
This event is a judged Barbecue Cook-Off. The “backyard grill masters: will be gathering downtown to compete for bragging rights for the best barbecue around.
After the big day there will be a concert, featuring the Groove Merchants, from 6-10 p.m.
Make plans to attend and tell your family and friends and come for the big day and concert.
Hopewell Methodist hosts UMW District meeting
On Sept. 24, the United Methodist Women’s Organization of Hopewell and Concord United Methodist churches in Schley County hosted the Northwest District meeting of the UMW.
Held at Hopewell United Methodist Church, a delicious luncheon was served by the women of both churches.
Martha Harrison, president of the Hopewell and Concord United Methodist Women’s group, welcomed the guests. Karen Hartin, president of the Northwest District UMW, chaired the meeting. She is from Pierce Chapel United Methodist Church in Midland.
Judy Thomas, a member of the Columbus Consolidated Government City Council, presented the keynote address describing services of the Open Door Community House in Columbus.
The Northwest District is composed of 17 counties in the northwest section of the South Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church. There are six Districts in the Conference.
The Hopewell and Concord UMW group have met all of the requirements and current goals and were recognized as a leader among the District’s Women’s group.
Sixty UMW members from across the District attended this special meeting.
Prayers for Michael Hortman
In August, Michael Hortman was taken sick with a severe case of pancreatitis. He was admitted to Phoebe Sumter Medical C enter in Americus, and then transferred to Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany. He was later transferred to St. Joseph in Atlanta, and then to Emory Hospital in Atlanta.
At Emory, he was put on a ventilator, and had a heart attack while there. He is very sick and needs everyone’s prayers. He will be going back to Emory for another MRI and more surgery soon.
Michael, age 56, is married to Johnna Bush Hortman and they have two sons, Michael Jr. and Patrick Hortman. They are from Ellaville.
Please remember Michael and his family in your prayers.
Barbecue Benefit to be held for Michael Hortman
There will be a Barbecue Benefit for Michael Hortman Oct. 15 at County Line Methodist Church in Schley County. The church is located off the Andersonville Highway. There are signs so you can’t miss the road.
Barbecue will be ready to pick up from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the church. The barbecue is sold by the pint at $6 per pint. For more information call Mark Royal at 937-2490.