Sumter County observes Red Ribbon Week 2016
Published 2:00 pm Monday, October 31, 2016
- The Sumter County Sheriff’s Office was on board for Red Ribbon Week which ia Oct. 23-31. From left are Col Eric Bryant, Sheriff Pete Smith, local Red Ribbon Week Coordinator Janice Harris, and Maj. Joe Monts.
Red Ribbon Week was observed Oct. 23-31 when law enforcement, schools, businesses and other celebrate drug-free living.

Members of local law enforcement agencies stand united in front of the Sumter County Courthouse to celebrate Red Ribbon Week and a drug-free society.

Sumter County Primary School recently held its Red Ribbon Art Drawing Contest. The theme for this year’s contest was YOLO, ‘You Only Live Once.’ Students could use crayons or markers to produce their artwork. The winners were first place, Nylah Robinson, from Sheryl Rush’s class; second place, Mashyiah Kleckley, from Sharon Tyson’s class; and third place, Kyshaun James, fromYvonne Iverson’s class. Shown with the winning students is school counselor, Glenda Cason.