Nancy Young: 12-10-16
Published 3:54 pm Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Schley County United Methodist Men Will Host the Kempter’s for Christmas Concert
Come and join the Kempter’s from Slapout , Alabama who will be presenting Christmas Concert on Friday December 16th at 6:30 P.M. at the Unity Fellowship Church on Highway 26 West of Ellaville.
The Concert is sponsored by the Schley County United Methodist Men and the Schley County MYF.
The Kempters are a multi-talented family of seven. They will be bringing their own brand of Vintage Gospel Music all the way from Slapout, Alabama.
While Chaz (daddy) and Danielle (the second daughter) had a head start, the other children soon decided to “catch up “and they all picked up their instruments in the summer of 2008 and they say the rest is History.
Since that time, they have had the Honor of serving many Sunday morning parishioners, Homecoming celebrations, and plenty of good old fashion Sunday Night singings.
They even perform at Blue Grass and Bar-B- Que Festivals in DollyWood as well as perform on Cross- Country trips to Colorado, South Carolina, Minnesota, Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky, and throughout the New England States.
They have also had many appearances on the television show “ Alabama “.
“We Pray that the smiles on the outside will be a testimony to the joy on the inside. It is truly our joy to share the Faith and Hope we all have Christ Jesus,” they said.
After the concert, the Schley County United Methodist Men and the Schley County Methodist Youth Fellowship want to invite everyone to stay for Refreshments that will follow the event.
A love offering will be taken for the band. For more information, call 229-937-5486.
The web site for the Kempter’s are as follows:
Hope to see you there.
Schley County health board met on November 30, 2016
The Schley County Health Board had their quarterly meeting of the Conference Room at 11:00 a.m. on Nov. 30.
Chairman, David Theiss, called the meeting to order. The District Director gave the State report.
Schley County Health Nurse, Kristy Smith, then gave her report.
She reported on patients visiting the Health Department. She talked about the community Awareness Activities.
She is working with the CHS (Children in need of Services) and MDT (Multi-Disciplinary Team) for the Southwestern Judicial Circuit. Smith attended the CHEART [County Health Emergency Response Team).
There’s so much that’s going on now that the Schley County Health Department, our patients have increased a lot. It’s the time of the year weather makes a lot of difference.
The Environmental Health Report was given. The Fiscal Report for 2016 was given as well as the New Business was the Audit Report for 2016. Berta Cox gave the Audit Report.
All meeting dates for 2017 were given. Our next meeting will be March 15, 2017.
Health Board Members that were present were Karen Montgomery, Kay Royal, Nancy McMath Young, and Chairman, David Theiss.
For help with your Health contact Kristy Smith at the Schley County Health Department at 229-937-2208 .She will be glad to help you .
Christmas Gifts are Needed for Schley County Children
The Schley County Department of Family Children Services and the Schley County Family Connections are in need of help for 50 Children here in Schley County to receive gifts for Christmas.
These two organizations are working with Churches, Businesses, Organizations and Individuals in Schley in Schley County area to help donate some Christmas gifts to low income families.
This year the DFCS have received a request for around 50 Children that need assistance for Christmas.
Each year, the DFCS places a sign up form for parents requesting assistance for their Children’s Christmas at the Schley County DFCS and the Schley County Health Department.
Applications are screened and made available to any organizations that want to offer assistance.
We must have the Childs Name, Age, Clothing and shoe sizes and they need a list that each child would like to have from Santa Clause. Be sure to put all of this information on the Application that you filled out.
In many of these cases a child could not receive a Christmas gift or cloths if it had not been for others like you for shopping in to help these special Children Celebrate Christmas with all of your donations made available through this program.
If you or your Church or Civic Organization are interested in helping a low income Child or Family in Schley County this Christmas, please call Melba Welch at the Schley County Department of Family Children Services 937-2075.
Thank You for being so loving and Thought full to these special Children.
Thanksgiving Holiday began on Wednesday at the Justice’s
Thanksgiving Holidays began on Wednesday, November 23 for the Justice Family with a trip to the Atlanta Air Port to pick up Joe and Iris Menendez, Sister and Brother in Law of Vicki.
Vicki says that they seldom miss Thanksgiving or any other family events though they live in Greeley, Colorado.
Iris and Vicki cane home and started cooking for Thanksgiving Dinner for the family.
Wilbur and Joe were treated to a Quail Hunt.
The delicious family favorite foods were served at Noon on Thanksgiving Day.
The ones that attended this special Thanksgiving meal were Jason, Dawn, Liberty, and Dixie Justice and Brian Justice all of Ellaville, Jo Patterson of Americus, Caleb, Rebecca and Conner justice of Macon, Barry Snipes and John McCall of Ellaville.
On Friday, Wilbur, Vicki, Joe, and Iris attended the 50th Anniversary of Jimmy and Marianne Phillips at The Station in Americus.
On Saturday, everyone enjoyed activities held by Billy and Alice Lightner home with a Breakfast, followed by Billy’s Cane Grinding and made syrup, then they Thrashed Peanuts and made lard and cooked Cracklings and then they picked a little Cotton.
Billy and Alice always show everyone a great time during this annual event. The rest of the day the family just enjoyed being together and catching up with the latest news.
On Sunday the Justices carried Joe and Iris back to the Atlanta Airport where they could go back home in Colorado.
This is always a special time for Iris and Vicki and their husbands just to be together.