Leila S. Case: It’s all in the family
Published 5:15 pm Saturday, January 21, 2017
When couples remarry, they not only gain a new spouse but usually an extended family – “yours and mine” children. And in some cases, “ours.” Bruce and I were not blessed with “ours” but we are very blessed with a blended family and embrace them all alike – they just have different gene pools.
Thursday, Jan. 19, is a red letter day for our family and we are honored to welcome the newest addition. William Bennett Vann, son of Brandon and Lauren Shivers Vann, made his debut at the Columbus Medical Center. Congratulations to the new parents and grandparents including Andy and Lori Case Shivers, Vickie and Bob Crew all of Americus, Mark Vann of Atlanta, and a coterie of great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins galore. I predict Bennett Vann will be surrounded by a doting team of loved ones.
According to an old wives’ tale, more babies are born when the moon is full or almost full and misting rain or fog. The weather was like that early Thursday morning so there must be some truth in the tale for Bennett shares his birthday with a second cousin, Gray Fielding Hagerson, son of Brad and Cindy Hagerson, born at Phoebe Sumter Medical Center. He is the grandson of Boyd and Rene Hagerson of Americu,s and Gerald and Len Hagen and has a brother, Tildon Hagerson, 2 1/2. I expect Bennett and Gray will have joint birthday parties.
We have more birthday fun to observe in our family this week. Anne Zabadah Barrett, my daughter-in-law, blows out the candles on her birthday cake. Anne is a wonderful daughter-in-law, more like my own daughter. She is a loving, caring, and supportive wife to son Mark and mom to grandsons, Beau Barrett, and John Barrett. And a bargain hunter par none.
Dr. Alex Riccardi, DMD, of Americus mixed fun and business education this past week. She and her dentist friend, Dr. Zoey Scheinfeld of Sandy Springs visited Alex’ sister and family, Haley and David Fowler and twin daughters, Katherine and Garner, in Denver for the long weekend and took the girls to the Colorado rodeo. On Sunday, they joined Zoey’s family in Vale for the Emory Ski and Continuing Education Course at the Sonnenalp Hotel this week. The group includes Zoey’s mother, Dr. Novy Scheinfeld, a prosthodontist, and sister Dr. Hanna Orland, a general dentist, her husban- Keith Orland and Zoey’s father, Mark Scheinfeld, all of Sandy Springs.
Donna Becton saw the countryside from north to south last week, riding shot gun with her husband David Becton in the Averitt Express 18-wheeler rig he navigates from here to yon. Donna said they had a blast seeing snow and ice-covered landscapes traveling through Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington, D.C., and North and South Carolina. Donna said the Potomac River in its frozen state was gorgeous.
Speaking of D.C., Sumter County was pretty well represented yesterday at the inaugural of President Donald, by the presence of President Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, Crystal Waddell and son, Gage, 14, and former Sumterites Ashley Riccardi Hatcher and Lee Skandelakis of Atlanta, and Columbus attorney Bill Dudley and his wife Paige.
Aggie Crump turned 94 last weekend and celebrated her birthday at a family dinner at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Meda Krenson, along with daughter Prissy and Ralph Cornwell, and grandchildren Ruth and Steve Crump-Pollock of Redwood, California, Caitlin Crump and Michael of San Francisco, and Walter Elliott and Hayden of Macon. Aggie continues her birthday celebration this weekend at Wakulla Springs, Florida, where she will be joined by her son and daughter-in -aw, Fred and Jane Krenson of Atlanta, and of course, Prissy and Ralph.
Congratulations to Superior Court Judge George Peagler of Americus, Southwest Judicial Circuit, on his retirement from the bench. He was honored recently at a retirement party at his home.
Leila Sisson Case lives in Americus.