Nancy M. Young: Feb. 4, 2017
Published 12:30 pm Monday, February 6, 2017
City of Ellaville renders aid to Albany
Personnel with the City of Ellaville Electrical Department are in Albany helping others due to tornado that came through last weekend.
They are putting up poles and running power lines
in an attempt to restore service.
The men that went to Albany are Adam Wall. Benji Wisham, and Donald Coleman.
Phoebe Sumter Medical Center sponsors Heart Walk
Phoebe Sumter Medical Center sponsors the Schley County Heart Walk beginning at 8 a.m. Feb. 11 at the Ellaville-Schley County Recreational Complex.
Birth announcement
Caleb and Rebecca Justice of Macon announce the birth of a daughter, Madelyn Grace Justice on Jan. 4, 2017. The baby weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and was 19.5 inches long at birth. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs . Dan Grizzle of Andersonville, Brian Justice of Ellaville. and Nicole Gill of Michigan. Madelyn has a brother, Conner Brooks Justice, 8.
On Jan. 5, Brian Justice, Jo Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Justice went to Macon to see their new granddaughter and great-granddaughter. Joining the group for lunch at Loco’s was Mary Katherine Justice, who was visiting her brother and family to help out. The family celebrated Brian Justice’s birthday. He said that his new granddaughter is the best birthday gift he could ever have.
Schley Family Connection meets
On Jan. 26, Schley County Family Connection held its first meeting of 2017 at the American Legion Post 191, Ellaville. The meeting was called to order by John Greene and Stephen Woodson asked the blessing.
Following lunch, John opened the business session by announcing how many car seats had been given out in Schley County. He then introduced each guest.
Adam Hathaway, Schley County School superintendent, reported on the school construction and how the schools rate in the state. He announced that the school system is in need of school bus drivers. If interested, contact the Schley Board of Education.
Todd West, principal of Schley County Middle and High School, said that they are doing well and all school sports are going to do real good this year.
Earlene Hamilton presented special information on the Georgia National Guard Youth Challenge Academy, for youth 16 to 18 years old, who need help finishing school. This is a free program for Georgia youth. established in 1993. For information call her at 404-274-2940.
Tenette Holt spoke on the West Central Georgia Cancer Coalition, which works to reduce cancer in our communities.
Kristy Smith RN of the Schley County Health Department passed out flyers about heart health and told about the Heart Walk in Ellaville in February.
Karen Albritton, director of Southwest Georgia CASA, spoke on children in need of foster parents.
Nancy Collins of Middle Flint Behavioral Healthcare spoke on HIV testing and education.
Jason Lawson, new executive director of the E-911 Center also spoke.
Elaine Gillispie, a representative of U.S. Congressman Sanford Bishop, said if anyone need Federal help to call her and she would be glad to get with Congressman Bishop.
Linda Adams, Schley County Community Foundation, spoke on raising money for the new playground equipment and reported that construction at the Recreational Department has started. They would appreciate any donations.
Nancy McMath Young, Ellaville-Schley County Historical Society, reported on what the organization had done this past year and and new projects for the coming year. She announced that the annual Membership Dinner will be held Feb. 18.
Stephen Woodson, Truancy officer, also gave a report.
Schley 4-H’er competes in Steer and Heifer Show
On Jan. 21, Katelyn Carney, a Schley County 4-H’er, competed in the Carroll County Young Farmers Steer and Heifer Show in Carrollton.
She did extremely well, winning the Supreme Champion Heifer with Sassy, her Simmental heifer.
Showing in the Shorthorn Class, Katelyn showed Lily, placing 3rd with this heifer. She also finished 3rd in Showmanship.
Great job, Katelyn
Ellaville Baptist Church has revival
The Ellaville Baptist Church hosts a revival starting at 6 p.m. Sunday, and continuing at 7 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. Church pastor, the Rev. Joel Smith, say you don’t want to miss these services. Guest speaker is Erik Reed, pastor of The Journey Church in Lebanon, Tennessee. He speaks at numerous events throughout the year such as youth camps, marriage seminars, men’s retreats, and church planting and training events. He is a graduate of Kentucky University with a bachelor of arts in religious studies and a master of divinity at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a published author of numerous books and Bible studies. He blogs regularly at Lifeway Pastors on leadership and pastoral.
Everyone is invited to the revival services.