Nancy Young: 5-3-17
Published 7:00 am Sunday, May 14, 2017
Schley Family Connection meets
The Schley County Family Connection held its monthly meeting April 27 at the Thomas Edwin Wall Post 191 American Legion in Ellaville. John Greene called the meeting to order and Stephen Woodson asked the blessing before the meal was served.
After lunch, the business session began with Todd West, principal of Schley County Middle/High School, who reported that high school students will work with John Greene this summer at the Kids Cafe at the school. Students will be served from the cafeteria each day for about two months. The principal also announced that the 3rd through the 6th grade students will receive a computer. He also announced that graduation will be at 9:30 a.m. May 20 at the new football field.
Maci Lawhorn, a member of the Student Council at Schley County High School, spoke on the school improving in a lot of ways, such as working with the fine arts and band with some
students being in competition in Georgia for excellence.
Connie Hammack of South Georgia Technical College spoke on the GED program, for people who didn’t finish high school and are still able to earn their GED High School Diploma. For more information contact Connie at the Ellaville City Center.
Carolyn Murray of NYU Hope 4 Ville was present, representing the new organization getting started working with the community.
Kristy Smith of the Schley County Health Department announced that that week was National Immunization Week and told that everyone about updating their vaccinations. Kristy said there were 277 deaths from Whooping Cough reported in the United States, almost 241 of which were babies younger than 3 months. These babies were too young to be protected from Whooping Cough. Contact Kristy for any more information.
Nancy McMath Young of the Ellaville-Schley County Historical Society announced plans (see later entry here).
Stephen Woodson, truancy officer who works with the Southwest Georgia children, said that he had 16 cases, and that he’s having to go to court with other counties he covers.
Nancy Collins of Middle Flint Behavioral Healthcare wants everyone to know that there is free HIV education and testing available. She says HIV is growing rapidly, and if everyone would get tested this would reduce the incident of AIDS by up to 97 percent.
Danielle Truelove with the Middle Flint 911 Center in Ellaville has just recently hired five new employees.
Karen Albritton of SOWEGA CASA, which advocates for foster children, also spoke. She said that there are 472 children in foster care now in the counties that she covers.
Liz Wise, former health care worker, spoke on health insurance.
There were 15 present for this informative meeting.
Ellaville-Schley County Historical Society board meets
The Ellaville-Schley County Historical Society board met April 25 at the Schley County Courthouse.
The meeting was called to order by the president. Papers were
passed out by Secretary Larry Dillard and Treasurer Marianne Phillips.
The board voted on to repair the clock on the Courthouse. Schley County Manager Bill Sawyer has been told proceed with this project which should get underway in two to three weeks. The clock repair will complete the courthouse renovations.
The board also voted to put an irrigation system around the courthouse for the shrubs.
Saving the best for last, the historical society will host a Dedication, in memory and honor of all Schley County elected officials since the county was founded on Dec. 22, 1857. This special event will be held from 5:30-7 p.m. June 20 at the Court House with a reception following the Dedication. The event is open to the public.
The board voted to buy 4th of July banners for the City of Ellaville to be hung on lamp posts downtown.
The historical society invites everyone to join the organization. Call me Nancy McMath Young at 937-2116.
Schley Health Department announces National Infant Immunization Week
The Schley County Health Department will provide information on vaccinations for infant, school children, teens and adults. Travel vaccinations are available as well. Protect yourself and your families and our community by getting vaccinations.
During National Infant Immunization Week, your local health department can provide vaccines for your children as an infant through all stages of their lives.
People think that many diseases are in the past, but that is wrong; they still exist, and children in the United States can and do contract some of these diseases. Immunizations have drastically reduced infant deaths and disabilities caused by the vaccine-preventable diseases in the U.S. Just by following correct immunization schedules, infants and children can be protected from 14 vaccine-preventable diseases by age two. Pertussis or Whooping Cough is one of these diseases that is a serious respiratory infection in the lungs and breathing tubes. Get your vaccination now.
If you have any questions call Kirsty Smith at local Schley County Health Department 229-937-2208.
Congratulations to Schley Family Connection coordinator
The Schley County Family Connection has received $15,000 in grants and an anticipated $4,800 in donations during this fiscal year 2017. John Greene, coordinator, has worked to get these funds and we congratulate him on his work for the community.
John said that he’s been Coordinator for Family Connection for almost 11 years, and this is the largest number of funding that he has received this fiscal year.
He said special thank you goes to the Schley County Community Foundation, the local 501c3, for helping to secure and distribute these funds. Without the help of local businesses, industries, and individuals, these programs would not be possible.