Nancy Young: 5-20-17
Published 7:03 am Sunday, May 21, 2017
Council of Safety Chapter NSDAR holds meeting
On May 9, the Council of Safety Chapter National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution held its monthly meeting in Magnolia Manor’s dining room.
Mrs. William Hayes, Regent, called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag was recited.
Special guests were scholarship recipients who were recognized. This is always held every May as the DAR hosts three high school graduates that have won DAR scholarships by entering an essay.
Each student was asked to read their essay. Kelly Lynn Ingle is from Americus-Sumter High School. Jarrod Wall is from Schley County High School, and Mary Martin Shealy is from Southland Academy. The students and their parents enjoyed lunch with all the guests and DAR members.
Regent Hayes announced that the DAR Chapter will be participating in the Memorial Day Service at Andersonville on Sunday, May 28. She will be laying a wreath at the service, and all members are asked to attend.
Guest tables were covered with white linen table cloths and the center pieces were a pot of flowers that sat on a lace mat. At each plate setting there were sugar coated pecans placed into small gold cups. The center pieces were used as door prizes. A delicious cold plate was served for lunch with lemon ice box pie for dessert.
Vicki Justice,Vanessa Wall and Jarrod Wall were guests from Ellaville for this special event.
Hostesses were Mrs. William Hayes, Mrs. Robert B. Young of Ellaville, Mrs. Tinley Anderson and Mrs. Ed Pope.
There were 28 that attended this special occasion. The next meeting will be in September.
Schley Elementary School Library receives donations from Class 1966
The Schley County High School Class of 1966 just held its 50th Class Reunion.When they met they collected money in memory of the three classmates who have passed away: Robert Albritton, Sammy Heath and Buddy Kidd.
The $600 they raised and was donated to the Schley County Elementary School Library in memory of the three.
Attending this special dedication was Robert Albritton’s daughter Brandee Albritton Snider. Janice Green Snider presented France Heath with the check. France is the school librarian.
Other members of the class present were Steve Bullock, Dedra Gilley, Cheryl Harbuck and Principal Brian Hall and Janice Green Snider.
Ellaville Methodist Choir sings for Perfect Care
On May 4, the Ellaville United Methodist Church Choir visited Perfect Care in Americus to sing for the residents. The choir enjoys this each month.
Those that visited Perfect Care from the church choir were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Morrow Sr., Olivia Mallichek, Sharon Wall, the Rev. Jonathan and LeeAnn Beckum. Judy McClellan, Kiley Lawhorn, Darlene Lewis, Alan Schultz and choir director, Mary Nan Pilcher.
Wayne Morrow Sr. played his harmonica; the Rev. Beckum sang and Alan Schultz played a special song on piano.
Macy-Grace Piano Studio holds recital
On May 7, Mary Nan Pilcher held her “Macy- Grace” piano recital at 2 p.m. at Ellaville United Methodist Church.
The Rev. Jonathan Beckum opened with prayer and Mary Nan Pilcher welcomed everyone. Then she introduced her students as they played their selections, as follow.
Tristian Yanez, “When the Saints Go Marching In; Dylan Wall, “Shenandoah;” Wade Register, “Amazing Grace;” Sandra McDaniel. “Surely The Presence of the Lord Is In This Place;” Cheryl Harbuck, “Theme From Ice Castles;” Brooklyn Vanzant, “Mary Had A Little Lamb” and “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star;” Ryder Dean Gardner, “God Bless America;” Mary Kate Still, “The Star Spangled Banner;” Conner Childs, “Imagine;”Tillary Tyler, “Puff The Magic Dragon;” Maclyn Anthony, “Moon Light Sonata (Opus 27, No. 2 Movement One);” Liberty Justice; “Canon in D,” “Theme From Love Story” and “You or My Sunshine;” Mary Hall, “Bohemian Rhapsody.”
Amanda Chase was absent.
Mary Nan Pilcher the teacher of studio, presented her students with certificates and medallions. She then invited everyone to the Fellowship Hall for refreshments.
The serving table was covered with a linen table cloth and the centerpiece was a miniature baby grande piano. All guests were served cupcakes and punch. There were 100 in attendance.
Two Schley Countians completed training from UGA
Kathy Bruer and Kay McCarty of Ellaville have recently completed a course on Development Authority Training provided by the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government for local leaders who have been appointed or reappointed to this authority.
Both women are members of the Ellaville-Schley County Development Authority. They attended South Georgia Technical College in Americus to take this class. They participated in a day-long basic training course, learning about their responsibilities as members of the development authority board and the roles that they will serve in local economic development. Topics included development authority operations, financing and incentives and bonds. In addition they learned about strategic planning in community development, project development and management and emerging issues that affect development authorities.
“Development authorities are a key resource in every community’s economic development tool kit, and their training provides board members with vital knowledge to help them implement successful development plans,” said the course instructor, Jennifer Nelson, who coordinates the Institute’s training programs for development authority board members, economic development professionals and elected officials.
In addition to basic training, the Institute of Government now offers a certification program for Georgia economic developers, the first of its kind in the state.The Georgia Certified Economic Developer program was created in partnership with the Georgia Economic Developers Association and focuses on five key competency areas. Courses are taught in central locations with rolling course schedules that allow participants to complete certification in as little as three years.
According to Institute of Government director, Laura Meadows, “These programs strengthen community leaders’ practical knowledge for implementing effective economic development projects. The better they understand their roles, the more impact they can have on their community’s growth and development.”
Both women received a Certificate from the University of Georgia, Carl Vinson Institute of Government, which certifies that each one has successfully completed their Development Authority Training-Basic. They received their Certificates on May 3.