Town crier: July 26, 2017

Published 8:41 am Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Called Meeting: The Americus Mayor and Council have a called meeting at 6 p.m. July 26 in the Council Chambers of the Russell Thomas Jr. Public Safety Building to discuss the alcoholic beverage license ordinance. The meeting is open to the public.

Open House: Sumter County Head Start Open House is from 11 a.m.-noon and 4-5 p.m. July 26 at 300 Cherokee St. Parent orientation is also held during these segments.

Back to School Blast: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. sponsors a Back to School Blast from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. July 29 at Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church, 225 Forrest St. There will be free school supplies, vendors, valuable information, jumping castles, food, music, and a special parent track for the parents to enjoy. Teresa Mansfield gives free books to children at the event. Book questions, call 229-380-2414.

Hospital Board: The Phoebe Sumter Medical Center board meets at noon Aug. 1 in the hospital administration board room, second floot. The meeting is open to the public.

Servsafe® Training for Food Service Managers: Training is Sept. 25 and 26. Pre-registration is required by Aug. 31. Cost is $140. Call 229-924-4476 for information or stop by the Sumter County Extension Office, Sumter County Agricultural Center, 127 William Bowen Pointe.

Community Assessment: The Southwestern Judicial Circuit Family Violence Council is expanding into the Southwest Georgia Victim’s Assistance Alliance and they need to know what the community needs. If you live or work in the counties of Macon, Lee, Sumter, Schley, Stewart or Webster, please take a moment to let us know what you think, how we can improve existing services and how to expand. These quick and easy 19 questions should take you less than 3 minutes to complete.

Public Hearing: The Middle Flint Regional E9-1-1 Authority holds a public meeting to discuss the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) upgrade  project and the USDA grant for this project at 10 a.m. Aug. 1 at the Regional E9-1-1 Center, 222 Hayes Ave. The meeting is open to the public.

Buena Vista
Meeting Dates: River Valley Regional Commission Council meeting sfor FY18 will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Marion County Commission office, 100 E. Burkhalter Avenue, Buena Vista, according to the following schedule below unless otherwise advertised: July no meeting, Aug. 23, Sept. 27, Oct. 25, Nov. 29, December no meeting, Jan. 24, Feb. 28, March 28, April 25, May 23, June 27.

Six Flag Tickets: Stop by the Sumter County 4-H Office, 127 William Bowen Pointe, to purchase your ticket(s) and save! Cash only. Tickets are $45.50 each. No refunds. You save $25.51 on adult tickets and $4.31 on youth and senior citizen tickets. (Youth must be under 48 inches, seniors 55 years or older). Gate Price is $71.01. Tickets valid any regular operating day through Jan. 3, 2018. Children 2 years of age and under free. Questions, call 229.924.4476

GriefShare: First Baptist Church offers a non-denominational video series and biblical concepts for healing after the death of a loved one. Led by caring people, participants are provided workbooks for personal study and receive encouragement through small-group discussion. Meetings are from 7-8:30 p.m. the first and third Mondays of each month. There is no cost and the meetings are open to anyone grieving the death of a loved one. For information call the church 229-924-9035 or Ann Beaver 229-894-9825.

Volunteers Needed: Learning for Everyone Inc. (LEAP) is seeking volunteers for its Mentor Partnership with the Sumter County School System. Volunteers will mentor children in the grades 3-9. Interested applicants may check out or call 229-924-9443. They may also attend our mentor trainings. Mentor trainings are held at 5:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month at 200 Cotton Ave.

Weight Watchers: Weight Watchers meets Thursdays at First Presbyterian Church, 125 S. Jackson St. Weigh-in is at 5 p.m., followed by meeting at 5:30 p.m. Visit

Mustard Seed House: Calvary Episcopal Church’s Mustard Seed House is open from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. every Saturday on Brannan Avenue. Stop by for some great deals.
A.A. Meetings: Alcoholics Anonymous meets from 3-4 p.m. Wednesdays at New Beginnings and the Addiction Recovery Center of Middle Flint Behavioral Healthcare, 952 Anthony St. (across from GSW baseball field). Call 928-2201 for more information.

GED Testing Hours: GED testing at the Stein Center are 8 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, and the first Saturday of each month.

Anonymous Crime Tipline: The Americus Police Department has an anonymous crime tip line 924-4102. Citizens can leave information for police about crime in their neighborhood or other areas. The calls are completely anonymous.

CPR Classes: Americus Fire and Emergency Services will offer American Heart Association CPR certification classes. Call Harriett Williams at 924-3213 for more information.

Drug Problems: Narcotics Anonymous meets 7:30-8:30 p.m. Mondays for members only. A meeting open to the public is held 7:30-8:30 p.m. Thursdays. All meetings are held at Williams Road Church of Christ. Call George C. 942-3752 or Charlie S. 938-0218 for more information.

Needs Volunteers: The Mattie Marshall Center is looking for volunteers to help do activities. Do you play an instrument, sing, dance or have a club or group that would like to come visit? We need volunteers of all ages and types for parties, Bingo, exercise, church services, snacks, etc. For information call Charlotte Watts 924-9352, ext. 3089.

Free Classes: Free GED classes are 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Mondays in Sumter, Schley, Marion, Macon, Webster and Crisp counties. For information call 931-7323.

Substance Abuse: Love and Mercy Outreach programs presents Alpha and Omega Substance Abuse and Awareness Program from 6-7 p.m. every Saturday at 511-D W. Forsyth St. All people with alcohol and drug addiction issues and their friends and family are welcome. For more information or for a ride, call James Ross 229-331-4746 or William Wallace 229-331-8160.

Lodge Meeting: M.B. Council Lodge No. 13, F&AM meets at 7 p.m. first and third Tuesday of very month at the Masonic Temple, 1209 Crawford St.

Soup Kitchen: The Soup Kitchen, at 437 S. Hampton St., is open at 6 p.m. every Wednesday to all in need.

Family Workshop: Who would make your final health care decisions if you couldn’t make them for yourself? The Critical Conditions Family Workshop can help you and your loved ones talk about these issues before decisions might have to be made. The CRITICAL Conditions Family Workshop is free! If you are aware of a group who would be interested in participating in a workshop presented by United Hospice of Cordele, call contact Jana Dew at 1-800-288-8466.

Recovery Program: Going things the same never brings change. Got problems? Drugs, divorce, alcohol, porn; it doesn’t matter. Join us at 7 p.m. every Monday at 245 Southland Road for Celebrate Recovery. Contact us at 924-7409 or 937-2966 for more information or visit and click on Celebrate Recovery.

Lions Club: The Plains Lions Club meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of each month. Call President Michael Dominick at 942-2419 or information.

AA Meetings: Alcoholics Anonymous meets at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays at the John Gill House, 2237 S. Broad St. between Ameris Bank and Ellaville United Methodist Church. Call for 815-3001 for more information.
Al-Anon: The Macon County Al-Anon Family Group has changed its meeting time from Wednesday nights to 1:30 p.m. Sundays at St. Mary’s, 608 Rawls St. Parking is in front of the church. Call 478-472-6518 to confirm meeting.

Mental Illness Support: NAMI Albany, the local affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, offers support, education and advocacy, and regular programs and support groups meet at the Advocacy Resource Center, 3005 Old Dawson Road. Look for the NAMI signs. Night Education Program, open to the public is from 6:30-7:15 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month. Connection group for adults in recovery; Family group for family and close friends meet from 7:30-8:30 p.m. the second Tuesday. Family & Connection groups meet 6:30-8 p.m. fourth Tuesday of the month. Call for information: (229) 329 1444 or