Macon County student initiated into honor societies
Published 9:24 am Tuesday, October 3, 2017
- Callie Coogle
DAVIS, Calif. — Callie Coogle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Coogle, was recently initiated into the international honor societies of Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi at the University of California, Davis. Membership to these honor societies is by invitation only and is restricted to students who are ranked scholastically in the top 10 percent of their class.
She has also been selected to receive a special departmental honor for her academic achievement and contributions made to the psychology department, where she served as vice president of the Davis chapter of Psi Chi, an international honor society in psychology. Coogle graduated cum laude on June 17, 2017, with a degree in psychology and English literature. She has been accepted to the University of Glasgow, Scotland, where she will pursue a master’s degree in fantasy Literature.