Nancy M. Young: Oct. 21, 2017
Published 2:30 pm Monday, October 23, 2017
Schley High Class of 1967 holds reunion
On Sept. 30, the Schley County High School Class of 1967 celebrated their 50th Class Reunion.
There were 21 that graduated in 1967, and 13 attended this special reunion.
This class graduated on May 29, 1967.
The classmate that traveled the longest distance was Cheryl McCall Harr who came from Dallas, Texas.
Others that attended the 50th reunion were Jimmy Green, Cindy Peede Welch, Terry Tondee, Benny Phillips, Sandra Myrick McDaniel, Faye Lawhorn Frazier, Larry Belcher, Shirley Stuckey Montgomery, Sherry Moore Browning, Lena Jordan Smith, Sue Allen Freshwater, and Kathleen Royal Meliti.
Ellaville women attend DAR meeting
On Oct. 10, Vicki Justice and Nancy McMath Young attended the monthly meeting of the Council of Safety Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution in Americus at the Magnolia Manor in the Magnolia Room.
Vicki Harris Justice is working on her papers to become a member.
Nancy Young is one of the oldest members in the chapter, having become a member in 1972.
Nancy Hayes, Regent, called the meeting to order and introduced Lee Kinnamon, guest speaker, who spoke on the Constitution.
After a brief business session, a delicious luncheon was served. The tables were covered with white linen table cloths, and the center pieces were bronze mums with the pot decorated with a Halloween theme. Each pot sat on aa orange and purple plastic tray. These lovely arrangements were given as door prizes at the end of the meeting.
Katelyn Carney places third at Georgia State Fair
Schley County 4-H’er Katelyn Carney represented Schley County 4-H at the 2017 Georgia National Fair in Perry.
She showed her heifer at the Livestock Show last weekend and did a great job, placing third in Showmanship in thr Commercial Heifer Show.
If anyone is interested in any subject to work on or to show just contact Brenda Welch at the Schley County Courthouse.
Schley Health Department has flu vaccine available
Flu shots are available now at the Schley County Health Department.
The Center of Disease Control and Prevention of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services want to give you this information on the facts about the flu shots. You need a flu shot every year because a specific flu formula is made especially to protect you against the most active strain of influenza that varies from year to year.
Children younger than six months old cannot have a flu shot. People with severe allergies cannot have the shot. People with chronic health conditions should definitely get the flu shot because they are more likely to have complications if they have flu, including pneumonia and heart attack.
Pregnant women should have the flu shot and be immunized for their own protection and to protect the baby up to four months after birth.
Babies, young children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to the flu.
Be sure to get your flu shot now so you can protect yourself. Go by the Schley County Health Department and ask Kristy Smith, county health nurse, for the shot. Contact Kristy at 937-2208.