Leila S. Case: It’s almost spring and porch-sitting time
Published 10:46 am Monday, March 12, 2018
There’s nothing better or more fun during the first days of spring than to sit on the porch and visit with your neighbors to “catch up” on the latest news in the neighborhood.
I know most everyone can relate to “porch sitting” especially where we live and with that in mind, the Sumter Historic Trust is offering you the opportunity to come “sit a spell” on the porch, swap news, munch goodies and sip something refreshing. Not just one porch but five verandahs — as some say in the south — and all in the same neighborhood.
The Trust board of directors decided it’s time to reinstate the Porch Tour.
This year’s event is planned for Sunday, March 25 beginning at 2 p.m. and concluding at 5 p.m.
So please join in the fun and come “sit a spell” and let’s catch up with all the news.
The designated sites are the homes of John Edgemon Sr., 129 Taylor St.; Charles Crisp, 139 Taylor St.; George Hooks, 145 Taylor St.; John and Whitney Crisp, 155 Taylor St.; and the newly restored home of Mike and Andrea Powell at 201 Taylor St. Tickets are $20 and available at The Look Salon, 117 N. Jackson St., from Trust board members, or at the door.
I’ll be waiting on you, so please join me on the porch. Let’s catch up.
Coming up right away is the Town and Country Garden Club’s annual Dogwood Antique Show and Sale at the Leslie Civic Center, 173 E. Allen St., Leslie. This event March 16, 17 and 18 is a tried and true tradition that is really pleasurable.
Besides all the interesting and unique collectibles and beautiful antiques that range from silver and furniture and gorgeous jewels, is the tea room that is open for lunch each day. Their food choices are delicious and prepared by loving hands at home; especially tempting are the mouthwatering desserts.
See you there.
Speaking of antiques, Dr. Jim and Nancy Herron spent a delightful two days in Savannah earlier this month at the second annual Antiques and Architecture weekend, Then and Now, presented by the Georgia Society of the National Society of The Colonial Dames of America. Nancy says they enjoyed the Old Town Trolley tour to see up close and personal the work of Savannah’s most famous architect John Norris plus a guided tour of the Andrew Low and Green-Meldrim Houses that Norris designed. Nancy said they thoroughly enjoyed hearing award winning Atlanta author Sonny Seals speak on documentation of his book, “Historic Rural Churches of Georgia.” Two of the churches are in Sumter County: Plains Baptist and the old Lutheran Church.
Meanwhile, Rick and Genie Powell arrived home Monday just in time to celebrate her birthday after an exciting and fun-filled three-week trip to the Orient where they visited Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong.
A hearty welcome home as well to Sue Fitzgerald and David Bottomley from an extended sojourn in England where Sue had a mishap that wasn’t much fun; however, it has a good ending.
While on Christmas holiday in Bingley England in the county of Yorkshire, Sue experienced an accidental fall that resulted in a broken hip that required a total hip replacement. She spent a week in the hospital, receiving great medical care and then recuperated at David’s home. Not one to be stay down, Sue was soon walking without the aid of crutches and she and David were “out on the town.” They enjoyed weekly local jazz concerts and dining at pubs in town. Sue’s holiday adventure in England, intended for three weeks, was extended slightly more than seven weeks. She is grateful the unfortunate situation ended so well. Welcome home Sue and David, a volunteer at Habitat for Humanity’s Global Village and Tour Center.
Get well wishes to Andy Shivers as he mends from broken and fractured ribs; Dr. Gatewood and Cindy Dudley visiting their daughter, son-in-law and family, Drs. Chapman and Shannon Dudley McQueen at their home in North Carolina, going especially for the Eagle Scout ceremony in which Dudley’s grandson was inducted; smile and wish happy birthday to Beth Alston, Carol Norton and Anne M. Isbell.
Leila Sisson Case lives in Americus.