Sumter 4-H awards banquet recognizes excellence
Published 12:26 pm Saturday, August 11, 2018
- Shaw Pinnell, Cloverleaf Club member, sings at the annual awards program accompanied by his sister, Samantha Pinnell on the ukulele.
By Lisa Law
AMERICUS — The 2018 Sumter 4-H Awards banquet was held Tuesday at the Sumter County Agricultural Center, 127 William Bowen Pointe on Tuesday, in celebration of outstanding 4-H members’ participation in annual activities.
As many gathered for the program, festive ukulele music was played by Hinano Tomlinson. Presiding over the ceremony was Senior Club Reporter Melinda Busman and Shazia Alam who greeted and welcomed the guests to hors d’oeuvres, while a PowerPoint presentation was presented, with a colorful array of highlights of the year including In-School programming (Sumter County Intermediate School and Furlow Charter School), After School Cub meetings, Summer Camp, Leadership Program, fundraisers, Georgia National Fair, Horse Club, District Project Achievement, MilkMake Contest, Need-A-Computer Project, Community Service Projects, Summer Fun Days and Winter Dance.
As the awards ceremony began, the invocation was giving by Glover Leaf Julia Floyd, followed by the pledge to the American glag directed by Junior Club member Aaron Jenkins and Clover Leaf Vice-President Emily McCorkle. Afterward Junior Club member Paris Eberhardt welcomed guests, followed by recognition of special guests by Junior Club Secretary Kate Busman.
Graduating Senior Reflections was delivered by Anjum Alam. She said her portfolio was significant, in reflecting on her accomplishments throughout the program and has played a significant influence in her life as she ended her reflections with, “I am and always will be a 4-H’er.”
Special entertainment was performed by Cloverleaf Shaw Pinnell. He sang “Sailing Away,” accompanied by his sister Samantha Pinnell on her ukulele.
Last but not least, presentations of 4-H awards were made by 4-H Agent Crystal Perry, AmericCorps Member Haley Wilson and Agricultural and Natural Resource Agent and County Extension Coordinator Bill Starr.
Awards were presented to outstanding Project Achievement by Cloverleaf, Juniors and Seniors which included Cloverleaf Aniyah Eberhardt, Housing Equipment and Environment; Julia Floyd, Safety; Chantrell Hall, Workforce and Career Development; Alicia Jenkins, Historic People; Emily Kent, Safety; Kaitlyn Luckie, Horse; Junior 4-H’er Tykira Bailey, Pizza; Endiya Brown, Safety; Paris Eberhardt, Arts; Trenton Floyd, Public Speaking; Aaron Jenkins, History; Hinano Tomlinson, Performing Arts; and Senior 4-H’ers Shazia Alam, Food Safety &Preservation; Lauren Busman, Photography; Melinda Busman, Health; Ryan Mournighan, Computer Information Technology; Zachary Pickle, Performing Arts Drama Project; Rosnice Williams, Human Development; and Morris Winters, International.
In the area of Team Competitions which included competing in the Challenge Bowl at the Georgia National Fair, members Anjum Alam, Shazia Alam, Emily McCorkle and Emily Kent were the team coached by Farahnaz Alam and their team placed third in Georgia National Fair competition, winning $250. Members of the team received medallions and Coach Farahnaz Alam and volunteers were recognized.
The State Horse Show completion included Lily Chapman, Morgan Kitchens, Addison Grinnson, Mallory Crenshaw and Avery Mililkin. Lily Chapman received recognition and award for her advancement to Regional Championship. Other participants received their awards in horsemanship.
In the area of Livestock competitors included Lee Graft and Reese Braff which were presented their awards in the National Livestock competition.
Individual competitors of the MilkMake Contest were Janiyah Jackson, placing first, John Ayden Gorton, placing second and Emily Kent, placing third. The Watermelon contest was won by John Ayden Gorton; his watermelon weighed in at 168 lbs. Lauren Busman placed third in Photography.
In the area of Georgia 4-H Dean’s Award included two participants. “Anjum Alam and Shazia Alam are recognized tonight with a certificate of participation in the competition. Anjum was recognized at state level as a finalist who interviewed at State Council and received honorable mention recognition,” said Perry, adding that Alam also received a $1,000 Georgia 4-H Scholarship.
According to Perry, the Georgia 4-H Dean Award is for seniors who show outstanding commitment to their community and at the state level through a cumulative portfolio that reflects and spans their entire 4-H career, and high-scoring submission are invited to participate in a separately-judged interview session at State Council. The Dean’s Award is one of the highest honors a Georgia 4 –H member can earn.
Other State Congress Delegates included Ryan Mournighan and Lauren Busman who placed first in District Project Achievement.
Other awards were received by participants in Certified Teen Leader Training which included Paris Eberhardt, Trenton Floyd, Cadence Todd, Hinano Tomlinson, Tiffany Williams and Morris Winters. The “I Dare You.” Award went to Anjum Alum.
The Outstanding 4-H’ers included Cloverleaf Emily Kent, Junior,Trenton Floyd, Senior Lauren Busman and 4-H’er of the Year Anjum Alam.
Volunteer recognition went to Southwest District Volunteer of the Year Jordan Parker.
The new Cloverbuds were recognized with an award which included Kelvin Burts, A’Kayleigh Green, Londyn Greene, London Mock and Khamaria Watson.
The awards presentation ended with announcements by Southwest District Junior Board Vice –President, Trenton Floyd and the Pledge to 4-H Flag directed by Senior, Zachary Pickle and Junior, Endiya Brown.