November/December 2021 Community Calendar
Published 1:24 pm Tuesday, November 2, 2021
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November/December 2021 Community Calendar
Election Day!
November 2
Three Precincts open: Griffin Bell, Recreational Center and Rees Park
Sumter County Board of Commissioners
Work Session Meeting
11.09 6:00 PM – Dial in Number 1–646–558–8656 | Meeting ID: 919 4279 3132 | Password: 123788
Regular Meeting
11.16 6:00 PM – Dial in Number 1–646–558–8656 | Meeting ID: 952 1489 3004 | Password: 072455
Board of Assessors Meeting
11.03 9am, Sumter County Courthouse
City of Americus
Council/Staff Agenda Setting Session
November 9, 6:00 PM, The meeting will be hosted at
Meeting ID: 852 0301 6026
Passcode: 536981
One tap mobile
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Budget Work Session
November 15, 8:30 AM, The meeting will be hosted at
Meeting ID: 898 8397 7705
Passcode: 982272
One tap mobile
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
City Council Meeting
November 18, 6:00 PM, The meeting will be hosted
Meeting ID: 827 8939 5959
Passcode: 538147
One tap mobile
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Commissions and Authorities
Historic Preservation Commission – Tuesday, November 9, 4:00 p.m., Municipal Building, third floor meeting room, this meeting will be held virtually.978-990-5000
Planning & Zoning Commission – Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 4:00 PM. This meeting will be held virtual using the following: 978-990-5000 425018#
Americus/Sumter County Theater Authority – Thursday, November 18, at 5pm. Pace Conference Room, Rylander Theater.
Land Bank Authority – Wednesday, November 3, 1:00 p.m., Municipal Building, third floor meeting room.
Main Street Board – Thursday, November 18, 9:00 a.m. Held on
Meeting ID: 869 9853 6151
Passcode: 166359
One tap mobile
1 929 205 6099
As set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City of Americus does not discriminate on the basis of disability and is willing to assist citizens with special needs. If you have a hearing or vision disability and wish to attend this or any of these meetings, please contact us at (229) 924-4411 or City of Americus, 101 W. Lamar Street, Americus, GA 31709, seven (7) days prior to the meeting date.
Sumter County Board of Education
Work Session 11.08 at 6pm 100 Learning Lane or via Facebook @Sumter County Schools
Regular Meeting 11.10 at 7pm 100 Learning Lance or via Facebook @Sumter County Schools
Area Events
Ongoing: The Americus Police Department is currently accepting donations for our annual Shop with A Cop Program. Each year we work with the school system and social services to identify children in need who want to partner with us to shop with a police officer for Christmas gifts. This is our sixth year sponsoring this program and we need the community’s help to make it happen. Tax deductible gifts can be made to the Americus Police Benevolence Fund by dropping donations off at the police department or through PayPal.…
11.05 First Friday: Tailgating Downtown Americus 5-8pm
11.05 Andersonville National Historic Site needs your help! Volunteers are needed to help put up the 200 flag poles for the Avenue of Flags, beginning at 9am. Contact Charles Barr at 229-931-7200 x112
11.06 Empty Bowls: Benefitting the Harvest of Hope Food Panty, purchase a hand-crafted ceramic bowl at First Presbyterian Church on Jackson Street. Call 229-928-1273 or 229.928. 4116
11.06 Nationally known Mark Trammell Quartet in Concert Salem United Methodist Church, Upper River Road, 7pm, love offering received.
11.07 Captain Henry Wirz Memorial Service 2pm Andersonville Village Hall
11.07 The Sumter Historic Trust Porch Tour 2 pm until 4 pm. Join us for a tour of seven porches along Taylor Street. You will be welcomed to each porch by its owners and Trust Board Members. Refreshments will be available on each porch. Select porches will have a Signature Cocktail, don’t forget to vote for your favorite.
Check-in for the tour will be at 301 S. Lee Street, beginning at 2 pm.
Tickets are available online for $25 each (plus a $0.75 convenience fee) – pay with PayPal, Venmo, or Credit/Debit. All proceeds benefit the Sumter Historic Trust and its mission to preserve and promote Sumter County Georgia’s history.
11.11 Community Calm Class Phoenix Heart Healing 5:15 PM – 6:30 PM 111 Habitat St, Americus, GA 31709 Please reserve seat at
11.13 Second Saturday Sidewalk Sale Downtown Americus
11. 13 23rd Annual Richland Pig Fest Broad St, Richland, GA 31825, United States
11.13 Civil War Days 9:30am Andersonville National Park, please contact Charles Barr at 229-924-0343 x 112 or
11.13 Confederate Medal of Honor Citation – Andersonville
2 PM
The A.H. Stephens SCV Camp will remember the life of Maj. Henry Wirz in this special Saturday afternoon event. Wirz was the ex-commandant of Camp Sumter during the Civil War and was hanged on Nov. 10, 1865. For more information, email
11.14 Lee Street United Methodist Church Veteran’s Day program with Day Spring Trio as musical guest
11.17-24 Farm-City Combo Week
11.18 Downtown Open House 5-8pm, Downtown Americus
11.26-27 Small Business Weekend Downtown Americus
12.02 Christmas Parade: Downtown Americus, for more information contact 229.924.4411x 235
12.03 First Friday: Home for the Holidays. Downtown Americus 5-8pm
12.04 Life Point Church Christmas Festival 5-9pm 384 GA HW 30 Please join us for our first annual Christmas Festival! We will have a ton for you and the family to do! Vendors will be out again with us and will have all kinds of things available, from food to cool products! Also, we will have a jumping castle, hayride, s’mores stations, and other fun activities for the kids and family! Santa will also be making an appearance and be available to meet!
12.07 Public Safety Memorial Dedication at Public Safety Building, 12pm
12.18 Wreaths Across America wreath laying ceremony at Andersonville National Park, 12pm