School Board Recognitions

Published 7:57 am Tuesday, October 17, 2023

On Oct. 12th, Superintendent Knighton read the Dashboard Report with info from Sept.
Splost Collection: $452,904.24
Georgia Power Bill: $51,214.35
Sumter EMT Bill: $54,509.33
Water Sewer and Sanitation Bill: $10,680.26
City of Americus Energy Bill: $17,911.69
Cell Phone Bill: $2,558.07
Millage Rate: 18.069
Knighton stated that: “One mill generates approximately $734,613.”
“Our budget is roughly over 45 million, which is 45,478,845. We had some slight increases in our energy bills, Georgia Power and Sumter EMTC. We see our increase in our RTP, as well as our kilowatt hours usage.”
Knighton reported that the graduation rate went from 96.2% to 98.5%.
The Board then held recognitions.
Alicia Green was awarded parent volunteer of the month.
Second grade student Ja-Nyla Stone was awarded student of the month.
Dr. Kimberly Griffin was awarded teacher of the month.
Terry Yearby was recognized as custodial staff of the month.
Virigina Brown was recognized Paraprofessional of the month.
The Georgia Department of Education recognized Angela Love for her work as an English Language Teacher.
Doretha Dowdell was awarded transportation person of the month.
Scott Baker was recognized as maintenance worker of the month.
Cheryl Clemons was recognized as district staff person of the month.
Gayla Braziel was recognized as District Director of the month.
Citizens Bank of America was recognized as business partner of the month, accepted by CEO Rick Whaley on behalf of the company.
Sumter County Family Connections was recognized, with Summer Murray receiving the award on their behalf.
Sumter County’s Board of Education was recognized by the Georgia School Board Association as a quality board.
Board member Carolyn Hamilton made a motion to renovate the Sumter County Middle School for 6.5 million dollars, which was seconded by Board Member Rick Barnes. Board member Edward Jackson asked where the funding was coming from.
Barnes responded.
“It’s all esplost funds, we have approximately 5 million available now. We’re hoping the project is less than 6.5 million, by the time we get to the project ending we should have collected more excess funds to cover everything.”
The motion passed with 6 in favor with Board Member Abbis Bivins abstaining.
The Board also voted on whether to use a Hard Bid process or Construction Management for the AG complex.
Hamilton made a motion that CM be used, which was seconded by Barnes. The motion failed with three in favor and with Bibbins, Jackson, Kearse, and Patricia Harris against.
Kearse made a motion in favor of hard bid, which was seconded by Jackson, passing four to three with Bibbins and Harris also in favor.
The Board adjourned without executive session.