Native Son Assumes Development Role in City Government
Published 12:32 pm Thursday, April 18, 2024
Press release from the office of the Americus City Manager
Americus—The City of Americus turned to a native son last month, hiring Edward Jackson to direct the long-dormant Community Development Department. “We have not had anyone in the director position since 2014,” said Diadra Powell, city manager. “We are eager for Edward to pull the department and its duties together.” His office is next to the GIS space, on the second floor of the municipal building. Jackson most recently served as Executive Director of New Horizons Habitat for Humanity in Americus, based on the Easter Morning campus.
“I started with Habitat for Humanity International in 2013, as a partner support specialist,” Jackson said, after years in that position, and working in other departments, he transition to the local Habitat Affiliate and served as NHFH’s director of operations, until 2022.
Many skills he honed at Habitat are well suited to his new city position, Jackson said. “I am comfortable with relating to Boards, doing strategic planning and project management.”
Attending and staffing meetings of appointed boards will require much of the new community development director’s time, including the Community Development Committee, Historic Preservation Commission, and the Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee. The 35-year-old graduate of Americus-Sumter County High School, ’06, also plans to attend meetings of the City Council.
Jackson acknowledges he has a daunting learning curve. “The MBA I earned in 2022 from Brenau University in Gainesville, prepared me well for this new assignment. I truly look forward to advancing our city’s goals in the fields of housing, urban planning, and public transportation.” He stresses the door to his office is open, and he looks forward to hearing
from city residents about the community issues they care about.
He and City Manager Powell invite city residents to attend the Chat with the Manager Meetings on the third floor of city hall. Held the last Monday of the month at 12 noon, the next meeting is April 29 and open to the public. “I attend those chats, and hope to meet more members of the public, “ said the new community development director.