Kim Fuller runs for mayor of Plains

Published 12:15 pm Thursday, May 16, 2024

Kim Fuller recently gave an interview on her run for mayor of Plains. Fuller has over 31 years of experience as a teacher; “I started out at Lee County, I retired from Schley County and I taught at Sumter County high and Tri-County high. I taught English and theater.”

Fuller has served one term and a portion of a second on the Plains City Council, resigning her position when she decided to run for mayor. She talked about the experience she gained from serving on the council; “I think the main experience is just knowing how the inner workings are of the city government. I’ve learned an awful lot about waste management, and the water system. I’ve learned how to get along with the maintenance crew. We have a wonderful group of men who run the city as far as your landscaping.”

Fuller described what she learned about the water system under the former Mayor. “I have ridden with Lee when he reads meters, that was very interesting.”

Fuller talked about serving on the personnel committee and the law-enforcement committee. “I was lucky in that I was on two or three different committees, so I had to make myself learn about all of those.”

Fuller talked about being the Director of the Friends of Jimmy Carter. “The Friends of Jimmy Carter actually does all of the events, like the Plains peanut festival, and the Plains, Trains and Fireworks, and Christmas in Plains, any of the downtown events we’re in charge of, but we partner with the City, so the City plays a very vital role.”

She talked about the businesses The Friends of Jimmy Carter run; “so, Friends of Jimmy Carter, own the Buffalo Café, and the Inn and Antique Mall, and the community center.”

Fuller talked about wanting to preserve the legacy of Plains and continue to make it viable. She shared her vision: “I want to see people going in and out of the stores all the time. That’s my vision for the downtown. We have a very real responsibility to preserve the legacy of President and Mrs. Carter also, but Plains is a very important part of their story. You know, they came home, have decided to have their final resting places here, and they did that so that Plains would have people come to see us.”

She talked about her desire to see that vision unfold: “I want to keep seeing that going. I think the legacy of all of us in Plains is the legacy to see it prosper.”

When asked about issues of concern for citizens, she cited water bills. “I hear complaints about that all the time, but usually it can be traced back to maybe a misunderstanding.”

Fuller talked about the perspective she gained having been on city council and now currently attending council meetings as a spectator: “I don’t have a problem with how things are run but I can see where some people might, so I want to be able to help with those problems.”

When I asked if there’s anything else she would like to share with readers, Fuller responded that she felt like Plains sometimes got lost in the shuffle: “I just want people to know that Plains is here and yes we get tourists, but we’re Plains too, and we’re the people of Plains. I’m part of that community of people who want Plains to succeed.”

Fuller talked more about the legacy of Plains. “We are very proud as a group that President and Mrs. Carter are from here. We are very proud that they came home, that they chose to come back here.”

She talked about their influence; “I was talking to someone just this morning, who said “you know, Mr. Jimmy was my mentor, and this man said ‘When my daddy died, I told him’ (and this was when he was older, not as a child), he said ‘I told him, I said you know you’re gonna have to help me because my daddy’s gone,’ and uncle Jimmy promised him that he would.”

Fuller mentioned that there were others who had been similarly impacted: “I think there are a lot of people here who feel that way.”

She talked about her family connection to President Carter. “My daddy and President Carter were brothers, but that being said, when I stand back and look at their legacy as, not a family member, I guess, I’m amazed that I grew up taking so many things for granted.”

She talked about how so many were affected by the Carter’s legacy in Plains, including herself. “But also, not only are we very proud of the fact that they’re from here, and they are back here, but we’re very proud that, that we can help represent. We’re part of their story. And I think that Plains is a part of their story and it’s a very valuable part.”


Correction: The initial article stated Fuller served two full terms on the Plains City Council. Fuller resigned during her second term to run for Mayor.