Alpha Epsilon Chapter celebrates 65th birthday
Published 7:00 pm Saturday, January 24, 2015
AMERICUS — Alpha Epsilon sisters gathered at the historic Windsor Hotel recently to celebrate the 65th birthday of the chapter. Alpha Epsilon is a chapter of PSI State Georgia of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
The local chapter was chartered on Nov. 19, 1949, at the Windsor Hotel with 12 members. The charter members were President Pearlie Garrett, Annie Cook, Katharyn Cosper, Maggie Dillard, Sam Lee Ethridge, Ethel Hite, Louise Lowe, Marguerite Drane Lowe, Leita Morgan, Ruth O’Kelley, Mary Tondee and Elizabeth Worty.
For the 65th celebration, as sisters entered the Americus-Sumter Room, violin music was provided by a member’s son. After enjoying a breakfast buffet, members learned more of the founding of the chapter as Joan Cordell led members in sharing information about the 12 charter members.
Other highlights of the celebration were the presentation of a $1,000-scholarship to an education major at Georgia Southwestern State University, and awarding of the Delta Kappa Gamma key to two initiates.
Gail Ford, PSI State president, challenged sisters to continue the legacy and to strive to “shine as Georgia gold.” The celebration concluded with singing “Happy Birthday” and the Delta Kappa Gamma song, accompanied by the violinist.
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. The vision statement of Delta Kappa Gamma is: Leading women educators impacting education worldwide.
Service projects for Alpha Epsilon are the collection of non-perishable food items for Harvest of Hope Food Pantry and the collection of elementary-level books to be distributed to students in the five-county district. For 2013-14, Alpha Epsilon collected 72 books for elementary-aged students and 198 non-perishable food items for the Harvest of Hope Food Pantry.
The Alpha Epsilon district consists of Marion, Schley, Stewart, Sumter and Webster counties.