50-year certificate NSDAR
Published 10:00 am Sunday, March 22, 2015
Rebecca Rutherford Alston of Parrott, seated at left, received her 50-year membership certificate recently from the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR). Shown with her are her husband of 70-plus years, Frank F. Alston Jr., seated at right; and from left, some of the members of Old Herod Chapter NSDAR, Joyce Arnold Barfield, Beth Alston (daughter of Rebecca and Frank Alston and also a member), Cherry Howell, Regent Kathy Hicks, Ann Bolton and Ann Duskin. Shown in the back is Dennis Alston, the Alstons’ son. Rebecca Alston served as regent of the Stone Castle Chapter NSDAR when it merged with the Dorothy Walton Chapter to become Old Herod.