Southland AP English class studies a classic
Published 1:00 pm Friday, January 8, 2016
Recently Dana Dillard’s Junior AP English class ay Southland Acxademy studied Nathaniel Hawthorne’s classic, The Scarlet Letter. Afterwards, students completed projects that allowed them to use their creative sides to analyze what they had read. Abby Dent, Louise Quillope, Mary Martin Shealy and Kaitlyn Smith chose to select contemporary songs to compose soundtracks for the novel, while Morgan Jones, Ashley Ansley and Addie Cook opted to illustrate the novel with original posters and drawings. Billy Calcutt, Mitchel Goodin, Zayd Hasnain and Brinson Hubbard created journals written from the point of view of one of the novel’s four main characters. Shown are members of the AP Junior English Class.