Real estate transactions: May 25, 2016
Published 7:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2016
AMERICUS — The following real estate transations were recorded at the Sumter County Courthouse.
Pamela Angry, executor of the Last Will and Testament of Agnes Angry, sold property at 203 and 205 Ashby St. valued at $7,000 to Milton Terry.
Dale Brooks Sr. sold property in Sumter County valued at $12,170 to Dale Brooks Jr.
People’s South Bank sold property at 105 U.S.Highway 280 West, valued at $90,000 to Tony Tyson.
Guadalupe Neva sold property at 1101 Oglethorpe Ave., valued at $45,000 to Raul Berdugo.
John M. Adkins and Emily Gray Adkins conveyed property at 183 Pheasant Drive to John Durden.
Charlene Lush conveyed property at 415 Ed Stephens Road to Jared Gillian.
Kenneth Murray conveyed property at 242 Horne St. to herself.
Betty Todd conveyed property on Ga. Highway 280 East to Jan Williams in a deed of gift.
The Federal National Mrtgage Association conveyed property at 1205 Rose Avenue to Jason Holloway in a government non-profit/ Public Corporation transaction.
Pamela Cummins conveyed property in Sumter County to Craig Cummins in a deed of gift.
Nevil Eastwood sold property at 906 Hancock Drive, valued at $126,000 to Phoebe Sumter Medical Center Inc.
Daron Tyson sold property at 107 Rawley Road, valued at $48,000 to Nathaniel Hodges, III.
Noland Barfield sold property at 4105 Rawley Road, valued at $200,000 to Mark Scott.
Hickory Springs Manufacturing Co. sold property at 122 Basket Factory Road, valued at $1,349,608 to Elite Comfort Solutions, LLC.
Angels H. Smith sold property at 1015 Hancock Drive, valued at $121,900 to Brandi St. John.
Synovus Bank sold property at 1403 Lafayette Street, valued at $10,000 to Mario Lemus-Chavez.
Richard Hall sold property at 235 Horne Street, valued at $53,000 to Americus Living, LLC.
Russell Philmon conveyed property in Sumter County to Philmon Holdings, LLC in an individual to company transfer.
Russell Philmon conveyed property at 713 Felder Street to Philmon Holdings, LLC in a company to individual transfer.
Federal National Mortgage Association conveyed property at 517 E. Church Street to Ronald Frantz in a government/ non-profit public corp. transaction.
Phillip Moody conveyed property in Sumter County to Delta PArtners in a deed in lieu of foreclosure transaction.Evelyn Ogden conveyed property at 552B Pessell Creek Road to Bernice Johnson in a deed of gift.
Charlotte Hargrove, as the executor of the last will and testament of Laurie Elizabeth Hargrove conveyed property at 208 Glenwood Road to herself in an estate deed.