Health inspections: June 11, 2016
Published 1:00 pm Thursday, June 16, 2016
AMERICUS — The following food service inspections were conducted by Sumter County Environmental Health.
• 3 Squares Diner, 1204 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Americus — May 25 — 83 B
— Observed raw ham stored on tray with ready to eat foods (strawberries, past. eggs). Ham was moved to lower shelf and stored with other raw meats. Corrected On-Site.
— Observed chlorine sanitizer in three-compartment sink too strong, greater than 200 ppm. Sanitizer was diluted to proper strength. Corrected On-Site.
• Americus-Sumter Senior Center, 717 N. Jackson Ave., Americus — May 23 — 97 A
— Observed ready to eat foods (tortillas and salsa with expired dates. Commercially prepared foods should be thrown out the on the day the expired date shows. Food was thrown away. Corrected On-Site.
• Anderson Station, 107 E. Church St., Andersonville — May 12 — 99 A
— Observed grease buildup on walls, floor and cooking equipment in the fryer/grill area. Routine cleaning should be done to prevent buildup of grease on walls, etc. Correct by 05/26/2016.
• Andersonville RV Park, 211 W. Church St., Andersonville (tourist accommodation inspections) — May 12 — 95 A
— Observed trailers water hose connected to the portable water supply with out a vacuum breaker that will prevent back siphon or cross connection. Each trailer that is connected to the water connection should use a device that prevent back siphon or cross-connection.
• Bittersweet, 111 W. Forsyth St., Americus — May 17 — 100 A
• Carter’s Fried Chicken, 206 Tripp St., Americus — May 23 — 88 B
— Observed Time/Temp control for safety foods held at greater than 41 degrees F. on prep table (slaw, chicken salad, tomatoes, potato salad). Items were discarded and new food put on ice on table. Corrected On-Site.
— Observed baked chicken on steam table. Chicken on bottom of pan was hot enough (135 degree F. or higher), but top layer of chicken on was not hot enough (less than 135 degrees F.). Chicken was put in oven and reheated to greater than 165 degrees F. Chicken in front cabinet (fried chicken was variable, some was 135 degree F. or higher some was less. Chicken will be sold or discarded within next two hours. Corrected On-Site.
— Observed plastic ice scoop broken, no handle. Observed metal mesh drainer/scoop, with loose wires, poor condition. Items were discarded. Scoop was replace with scoop with a handle. Corrected On-Site.
• Catering Creations Inc., 171 McMath Mill Road, Americus — Aug. 17, 2015 — 94 A
— Observed the Certified Food Safety Manager certificate has expired. Need to provide documentation for either registration of class or certificate of CFSM or equivalent to our office by 8/24/15 — March 17 — 100 A
• China Bell, 1103 E. Lamar St., Americus — Dec. 11, 2015 — 96 A
— Observed two bowels with sanitizer water in both reading above 100 ppm. Sanitizer should read between 50-100 ppm. Each bowl was thrown out and refilled with the correct solution concentration. Corrected On-Site.
— Remarks: Spoke with manager about new food rule changes Gave manager new handouts, explaining the rules.
• Church’s Fried Chicken, 1322 E. Lamar St., Americus — May 20 — 87 B
— Observed no certified food service manager (CFSM) certificate posted in public view in the establishment. Original certificate documentation should always be posted. CFSM certificate will be display by the 05/27/2016.
— Spoke with the person in charge (PIC) about their policy on employee health and PIC was not able to give me the different types of symptoms or illness that an employee should report to the PIC. Also, they did not have the employee health agreement signatures or any verifiable information to report about their health and activities as they relate to diseases. Gave them the handouts that explain the new food rules changes last inspection (11/24/2015) with handouts. Will bring the handouts again to them.
— Observed an employee with shoulder length hair with no hair net only a visor. Employees with long hair will need to wear a hairnet with their visor. Hairnet was put on. Corrected On-Site.
— Remarks: Had the CFSM certificate but was not posted.
• Council Services, 112 Industrial Blvd., Americus — Jan. 20 — 91 A
— Observed time/temperature control (TCS) for safety foods (fish) for hot holding reading below 135 degrees F. (112-122). TCS foods for hot holding should be held at 135 degrees F. or hotter. TCS foods were discarded. Corrected On-Site.
— Remarks: Spoke with the managers about the new food rule changes and gave them the handouts for the changes.
• Cousins Catering, 111 S. Jackson St., Americus — April 14 — 96 A
— Observed time/temperature control for safety foods (pimento cheese and tomatoes spread) with dates exceeding the 7-day date. Foods that are made in-house must be discarded after the 7 days are up. Food was discarded. Corrected On-Site.
— Remarks: Spoke with the PIC about the new food rules changes. Gave him the handouts explaining the new changes.
• Dairy Queen, 1321 E. Lamar St., Americus — Feb. 2 — 96 A
— Observed no CFSM documentation posted in public view in the food establishment. CFSM documentation should be posted at all time. CFSM documentation will be provided by Feb. 9.
— Remarks: Spoke with the manager about the new food rule changes. Gave her the new handouts explaining the new food changes.
• Dillinger’s, 120 N. Lee St., Americus — March 16 — 85 B
— Observed no certified food safety manager for facility. Person in charge will provide documentation that someone is signed up for CFSM course within the next 10 days.
— Observed chicken/thawed (ready to eat chicken tenders) in walk-in freezer. Walk-in cooler and freezer are not working. Air temperature was approximately 60 degrees F. (thawed chicken was 52 degrees F.). Chicken was discarded. Corrected On-Site.
— Remarks: New food service changes and handouts were discussed with PIC and manager on 3/11/16. Observed non-continuous cooking process for chicken wings. Procedure in place for this process.
• Domino’s/Team Nammer Pizza, 611 E. Lamar St., Unit A, Americus — Feb. 17 — 96 A
— Observed boxes of food stored on floor. PIC said boxes were delivered on Monday (today is Wednesday). Foods, paper products etc. should be stored 6 inches off the floor. Items were put up onto shelves. Corrected On-Site.
— Observed open trash can in restroom. Trash receptacle used by females needs to have a lid/be covered. Get a lid or covered trash can. Correct By: 02/24/2016.
— Remarks: Need to have employee reporting agreement signed and on file for all employees. Need to have procedure for cleaning up after diarrhea/vomiting incidents.
• Forsyth 1889 Bar & Grill, 124 W. Forsyth St., Americus — Feb. 16 — 89 B
— Observed molded buildup in the inside of ice machine. The ice machine should be cleaned and sanitize routinely to prevent mold build up. Ice machine will be cleaned.
— Observed large buckets full of flour, panko, and breading stored on the floor in the walk-in cooler. Buckets that contain food should be stored 6 inches off the floor to prevent contamination. Buckets will be put on shelves in the walk-in cooler. Corrected On-Site.
— Observed doors/lids to freezer (chest) and ice machine cracked and in poor condition, not easily cleanable. Need to repair/replace so that these surfaces are smooth/easily cleanable, durable.
— Remarks: Spoke with the owners about the new food rule changes. Gave them the handouts that explain the new changes.
• Giggles Self-Serve Frozen Yogurt, 1602-A Ga. Highway 27 East, Americus — Jan. 8 — 100 A
• Gladys Kitchen, 1009 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Americus — Feb. 4 — 97 A
— Spoke with the manager about how they wash fruits and vegetables and were told that they sometimes use the meat only sink. Washing raw fruits and vegetables shall be washed in a sink designated for that purpose only. Cannot use the meat only sink for washing fruits and vegetables. Manager will wash fruits and vegetables in a fruit and vegetables sink. Corrected On-Site.
— Remarks: Spoke with the manager about the new food rule changes. Gave her the new handouts.
• Granny’s Kitchen, 118-A U.S. Highway 19 South, Americus — Jan. 19 — 100 A