New pastor joins St. Andrews Presbyterian staff
Published 5:00 pm Monday, October 24, 2016
AMERICUS — Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church (PCA), located on Ga. Highway 27 East, Americus, has a new pastor.
Randy Saye and his wife Leigh Anne are from Perry, where he served as associate pastor at Houston Lake Presbyterian Church (PCA) in the Warner Robins area before coming to Americus.
“We were members there several years as I worked at Macon State Prison and finished my masters of divinity degree from Reformed Theological Seminary – Orlando,” he said. “I went on staff at the church in 2012, and did everything the Senior Pastor didn’t want to do,” he added jokingly. He was the youth minister, music coordinator, adult Sunday school director, small-groups organizer, and VBS director.
Saye grew up in Fort Valley, the son of a Georgia Tech engineer and a UGA special-education teacher. His wife grew up in Unadilla and was raised by the “perfect” family. Her maiden name was Perfect. Saye says, “She was perfect until she married me!”
The Sayes have three sons, ages eight, 10, and 12. They are all excited to make Americus their new home.
Saye says that his hope for St. Andrews is that the church matures in their love for God, each other, and the community.
“I want to see us grow in grace, stay faithful to the scriptures, and be a thriving, God-honoring, gospel-centered, faith-family,” he said.
When asked, “What’s the one thing you’d like people to know?” He says, “There is nothing you can do to get God to love you any more, or any less, than He already has in Christ Jesus. That is the liberating truth of the gospel!”