Kiwanis Pet Parade and Downtown Trick or Treat is Thursday
Published 2:27 pm Wednesday, October 26, 2016
It’s time for the annual Kiwanis Pet Parade and Downtown Trick or Treat. Children in grades six and under are invited to participate.
In the Pet Parade, children can enter themselves or themselves with their pets, in several categories. Prizes will be awarded as a result of independent judging.
The Pet Parade begins promptly at 4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27 with registration starting at 3:30 p.m. in front of First Presbyterian Church on South Jackson Street. This is where awards will be presented immediately following the Pet Parade.
While there is no fee to enter the Pet Parade, the Kiwanis Club is soliciting pet supply donations for the Sumter Humane Society. Pet food is a preference, but monetary donations will also be accepted.
For more information on the Pet Parade, call Kiwanis President Jody Wade at 229-924-8888.
Following the Pet Parade awards ceremony will be Downtown Trick or Treat hosted by Americus Main Street and downtown merchants. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and are required to wear a costume in order to trick or treat. Children must have a special trick or treat wristband in order to receive treats from the downtown merchants. Wristbands may be picked up on Jackson Street next to the Public Safety Building parking lot beginning at 4:30 p.m. The Americus Times-Recorder will be giving out Halloween trick or treat bags of candy at the same location while supplies last. Trick or treating begins at 5 p.m., not before. Trick or treaters should look for downtown businesses displaying a “Welcome to Downtown Trick or Treat sign.
Following the trick or treating, everyone is invited to Zombie Zumba from 7-7:30 a.m. at Rylander Park. Admission is free.
For more information on Downtown Trick or Treat, call Americus Main Street at 229-924-441, ext. 247 or email