Sumter County 4-H’ers participate in Southwest District Project Achievement
Published 7:30 am Friday, April 14, 2017
- SUBMITTED BY SUMTER COUNTY 4H: Back row, from left, are Aaron Jenkins, Ryan Mournighan, Hinano Tomlinson, Melinda Busman, Courtney Coley, and Endiya Brown. Front row, from left are Anna Moates, Rosnice Williams, Lauren Busman, Kate Busman, Shazia Alam and Anjum Alam.
EATONTON— Junior and Senior 4-H’ers from Sumter County traveled to Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton Feb. 3-5 to compete in Georgia 4-H’s Southwest District Project Achievement. 4-H’ers spent the weekend sharing their 4-H projects, participating in community service projects and having fun. 4-H’ers submitted portfolios of their 4-H project work, community service, and other leadership activities in the community throughout the year of 2016, and also presented their projects to judges at Rock Eagle 4-H Center.
Sumter County seventh and eighth grade 4-H’ers participating in the 2017 Southwest Junior/Senior Project Achievement Competition were Aaron Jenkins, 1st place winner in the Food Safety and Preservation Project; Shazia Alam, 1st place winner in the International Project; Hinano Tomlinson, 2nd place winner in the General Recreation Project; Kate Busman, 2nd place winner in the Performing Arts General Project; and Endiya Brown, 2nd place winner in the Workforce Preparation & Career Development Project.
High School 4-H’ers competing from Sumter County were Melinda Busman, 2nd place winner in the Health Project; Anjum Alam, 2nd place winner in the Human Development Project and State Congress Sweepstakes Recipient; Ryan Mournighan, 3rd place winner in the Computers Information Technology project; Anna Moates, 3rd place Horse project; Lauren Busman, 3rd place Photography project.
Rosnice Williams competed in the History project and Courtney Coley participated in the General Recreation project. Anjum Alam will advance to compete at Georgia 4-H’s State Congress in July of 2017 with her project in Human Development.
A graduating senior reception was held for all high school senior 4-H’ers in Southwest District. Anna Moates was recognized and given a green and white 4-H cord for completing high school during the 2017 4-H year. She was also recognized and awarded Southwest District’s Outstanding Community Service Project award. Moates summoned a group of 4-H’ers and adults in the community to volunteer and to assist her with a service project for the “Night to Shine” event held in early February at First Baptist Church in Americus. Anjum Alam and Shazia were recognized and awarded the most outstanding junior and/or senior 4-H county event for their “Join Us for Henna!” project.
For more information about Sumter County 4-H and upcoming activities, contact Sumter County Extension office at 229-924-4476 or