Your opinion: Feb. 10, 2018
Published 11:44 am Monday, February 12, 2018
Thank You
Last weekend was District Project Achievement at Rock Eagle for Southwest District 4-H. Students research and prepare speeches to highlight the project they have worked in for the previous year. It is always a pleasure to see what these exceptional young people are passionate about and see the good work they are doing in their home counties.
Sometimes the drive to and from Rock Eagle is the most exciting event of the weekend. On the way home Sunday the Taylor County 4-H bus broke down. Somewhere just outside of Monticello 11 students from Taylor and Macon County sat, but they didn’t have to sit for long. Bill Starr and Crystal Perry, driving Sumter county 4-Hers home, pulled over to assist. After not being able to get the bus running they rearranged a few things and were able to get our kids back on the road.
I just wanted to say thank you to those two for taking extra time to help when I know all they wanted to do is go home and see their own families. It is good to know that we have people like that in our organization always willing to assist others.
Jeff Cook
UGA Cooperative Extension
Taylor/Peach County Ag & Natural Resources Agent
Area Peach Agent