Leila S. Case: Nothing like a good book to read
Published 2:06 pm Saturday, September 15, 2018
There’s nothing like reading a good book and seeing how the author, especially a skilled one, develops the characters and unfolds the plot that can hold your attention. That is if the novel has all the right components. Some are more appealing than others, and of course, I’m partial to fiction but enjoy non-fiction and biographies, too.
I’ve written previously about the women’s book club at Calvary Episcopal Americus but I’m moved today to say more after last Sunday’s book review.
First, everyone that reviews the assigned book then leads the discussion afterward does a fantastic job and we all enjoy having the opportunity to put in our two cents. What inspired me to write about our most recent?
This year we chose to read 10 books from the list of 100 in PBS’s Great American Read, and in my opinion we couldn’t have made a better selection. I think our choices are outstanding and among the most loved American novels. A few of the books I’ve already read but they’re so good I want to reread.
We began the series in August with “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott, which I had read years ago, and we also enjoyed the television series on National Public Television, but not as much as reading the novel itself and getting to love the March sisters Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy and their mom, Marmee, all over again. Hayden Hooks gave a delightful review.
For September we read “Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier that Merle Geiger reviewed last Sunday evening. Beforehand I knew we were in for a treat for a number of reasons but this one was one of the most interesting and entertaining, and gave a poignant glimpse into Merle’s personal life. She opened her heart in relating her own experience and how it paralleled the narrator in “Rebecca.” Many of us said afterward that we were more interested in hearing how Merle connected with the characters in the book. She held our attention throughout, bringing smiles and tears.
Calvary Episcopal’s book club is for women only but not limited to the church membership, and is open to the community. A number of people of other denominations attend on a regular basis. The only requirement is enjoyment of reading. We begin with a tasty light supper; everyone brings a dish to share and then settle down to hear the review. It’s one of my favorite groups. I don’t like to miss. So, if you’re interested, please join us. Abbie Dillard is our chairman.
Those attending last Sunday other than myself were Merle Geiger, Abbie Dillard, Mary Ferrill, Joni Woolf, Marlee Harper, Raye Holt, Linda Kidd, Hayden Hooks, Sarah McClain, Cindy Dudley, Meg Usrey, Allyson Drinnon, Betty Levins, Jeannie Stanfield, Julie Megginson, and the Drinnon sisters who kept George Bardin Hooks, 11 months, busy. He had his own agenda. Supper.
Burt and Careen Strange of Ellaville had an exciting time with family and friends last weekend. Their oldest son, Burt Strange Jr. and Sarah Rossetti of Atlanta were married during a beautiful ceremony performed at Fox Hall Resort near Douglasville. Among the guests from Americus and Ellaville attending were Terry and Bobbie Duncan, Ed and JoAnn Pope, Arnold and Mara Durham, Sonny and Marylynn Shealy, Faith Hockman, Sheeba Cherian and husband Careen, Donna Franklin, and Sue Hite. The couple is honeymooning in Maui in the Hawaiian Islands.
Elsewhere, get well wishes to David Becton, happy birthday to Ross Chambliss, Henry Crisp, Paige Drinnon, Bobby McCrary, Mary Ferrill and Karen Kinnamon. Happy wedding anniversary to Daquiri and Lane Tyson, and Hayden and Bardin Hooks. Sherrill House is home from an Alaskan cruise – I look forward to hearing more.
Pray for safety from harm for those in the path of Hurricane Florence. She’s pretty ferocious.
Leila Sisson Case lives in Americus.