Nancy M. Young: March 9, 2019
Published 2:43 pm Saturday, March 9, 2019
Ellaville Methodist Church honors couple with baby shower
On Sunday, Feb. 24, Ellaville United Methodist Church honored John and Sarah Inzetta with a baby shower. They are expecting a son. The special event was held at 3 p.m. in the church Social Hall.
The large gift tables were covered with white linen table cloths. The serving table was covered with a white table cloth and had four lovely floral arrangements. Delicious finger foods were served. Behind the serving table on the counter were different
stuffed toy animals as special decorations.
The punch table and registration table were covered with white linen table cloths. The registration table, graced with a lovely floral arrangement, sat at the entrance as guests entered to sign the book.
The mother to be was presented with a lovely corsage. The couple receives many nice gifts. The grandparents on both sides were present.
About 35 people attended this event.
Ellaville a Tree City for 27 years
The city of Ellaville has again been recognized as a “Tree City.”
Chief Ranger Brent McCarty and his forestry rangers, along with the Ellaville city employees have planted trees in the city for 27 years in observance of Arbor Day.
A joint work team between the city of Ellaville and McCarty’s team has demonstrated special care and maintenance for the tree planted over the last almost three decades.
This year Chief McCarty and his rangers, Ellaville Street Department, and City Manager Lynne McChargue were all on hand to plant crepe myrtles in the City Cemetery.
Arbor Day was established by the Nebraska Legislation in 1872. Planting trees soon spread over the United States.
Georgia ‘s Legislature established Arbor Day in 1941, to be observed on the third Friday in February. It’s been observed in Georgia for 78 years.
Hannah Greene receives special recognition
We have some real exciting news to share. Hannah Greene, daughter of John and Lisa Greene, has been accepted into the University of Georgia School of Veterinary Medicine on her second try.
Hannah was valedictorian of Schley County High School in 2014, and graduated from Georgia Tech in 2018, with a degree in biology. She is currently working as a veterinarian tech in DeKalb County.
A special thank you goes to Dr. LeAnna Wilder, a Macon County veterinarian and Georgia Tech for their helping Hannah so much.
The community is proud of Hannah and her parents.
Nancy McMath Young lives in Ellaville.