Nancy Young: April 6, 2019

Published 1:47 pm Sunday, April 7, 2019

Jenna Wiggins honored with bridal shower
On March 24, Jenna Wiggins was honored with a lovely bridal shower in the Social Hall of Ellaville United Methodist Church, hosted by the women of the church.
She was presented with a lovely corsage and received many lovely gifts.
The tables were covered with white, linen tablecloths. Delicious finger foods were served, along with cake and punch.
The gift tables were covered with white tablecloths and all the gifts were displayed. Behind the serving table was a pretty spring floral arrangement.
Jenna is the bride of Cody Ellis. They will make their home in Ellaville.
A bout 25 attended this special shower.

Schley Family
Connection holds monthly meeting
Schley County Family Connection held its monthly meeting at noon, March 28.
John Greene, coordinator, called the meeting to order, and Stephen Woodson offered a prayer.
A delicious was served prior to the business session in which each person told about their organization.
Brian Hall, interim superintendent of Schley County Schools, revealed the names of the valedictorian and salutatorian for this year. He also reported that some sports teams are champions, and that following Spring Break, students will be tested.
Cindy Hagerson, counselor at Schley County High, introduced Joshua Lin. Who represented the Schley County High School Student Council.
Tiara Ward, representing Region 6 Community Relations and Educational coordinator, reported on behavioral health.
Kristy Smith, Schley County Health Nurse, spoke on tuberculosis. Measles, mumps and rubella. She said there are vaccines MMR. She also distributed flyers with all kinds of information. She will be at the Health Office for any questions you may have about public health.
Pinncile Mosley, with Peach State that covers insurance and Medicaid, gave a report.
Dr. Kayin Robinson, with the West Central Georgia Cancer Coalition, spoke on the importance of testing for cancer.
Eric Jackson with the Department of Family and Children Services, spoke on kinship care.
Lula Neal, coordinator of Taylor County Family Connection, was a guest.
Elaine Gillispie, representing U.S. Congressman Sanford Bishop, gave updated reports from Washington, D.C.
Nancy McMath Young, with the Ellaville-Schley County Historical Society, gave an update on the Membership Drive underway now.
And Stephen Woodson, truancy officer, gave his report.

Ellaville Methodist Women meet
The Ellaville United Methodist Women held their monthly meeting at 7 p.m. March 25in the church Social Hall.
President Barbara Usry called the meeting to order, and opened with prayer.
Ann Gill gave the Secretary’s Report.
Many activities were discussed. Ellaville United Methodist Women will host a District meeting for all United Methodist women beginning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, April 6. Mary Ellen McCorkle gave lots of details on this special event.
New business was discussed.
The program was given by Nancy McMath Young — “Why Jesus Folded the Napkin,” a special program with Easter almost here.
Nancy M. Young was hostess as well. She served potato chips and dip, caramel cake, and coffee.
Eight members were in attendance. Other than those previously mentioned, they were Nora Morrow, Judy Gattis, Judy McClellan, and Sharon Wall.

Nancy McMath Young lives in Ellaville.