Nancy Young: 9-28-19

Published 9:56 pm Friday, September 27, 2019

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Schley board of health holds quarterly meeting

The Schley County Health Department held their quarterly meeting on Sept. 18 in the Conference Room of the courthouse. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nancy McMath Young and opened with prayer by Larry Wall. Berta Cox discussed the minutes and they were approved, District Director, Beverly Townsend gave her District report. Kristy Smith, Schley County Health nurse, gave her report and it included activities and events she’s working with. She also announced everyone should be getting ready for the flu and pneumonia shot, especially for the elderly.

Lincoln Mitchell gave his Environmental Health report. He said everything has passed inspection. Berta Cox, presented the financial overview from July 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019. The public was invited to attend and hear the new rules and regulations. Guest speaker, Justin Smith, who is the Environmental Health specialist, spoke on these rules. It involves kit sizes, water wells, and body art. These rules and regulations are presented by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division. All of these rules are to protect the public in safety, in drinking water, lot sizes, and body art. After each topic questions were asked and discussions held. Everyone knew this would more likely help people living in the county having a home with septic tanks and wells close by. After discussing this safety subject, the board approved the three new rules. Schley County Health Board elected Brian Hall as the new vice chairman. He’s Schley County School’s new superintendent. The next meeting will be in December.



Ellaville Methodist Women hold meeting


On Sept. 19, the Ellaville United Methodist Women held their monthly meeting in the social hall of the church. The meeting was called to order by President Barbara Usry, opening with a prayer. All members recited the UMW Purpose. The devotion and program were given by the hostess, Barbara Usry. Secretary Ann Gill, gave minutes of the previous meeting. The treasurer was absent.

It was announced that the UMW District meeting would be held Sept. 21 in Columbus.

Ellaville United Methodist Church will host a luncheon for eight provisional elders.

A covered dish dinner at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 7 is planned with the service after. Barbara Usry hosted the UMW for this month. She served chicken salad sandwiches, potato chips, and dip, frozen dessert and drinks.