Americus City Council meeting rescheduled due to lack of quorum

Published 10:07 am Friday, July 22, 2022

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The regular meeting of Mayor and City Council of Americus was scheduled to take place on Thursday, July 21, 2022, at the Thomas Public Safety Building. However, there were only three members present, Charles Christmas, Daryl Dowdell and Nicole Smith. It takes four members to make a quorum. Without having four members present, the meeting was unable to be called to order. City Attorney, Jimmy Skipper, explained the circumstances and what the law would and would not allow. Ultimately, the only legal option was to reschedule the meeting for Thursday, July 28, 2022, at 6pm.

At the agenda setting meeting on July 14, most of the items were moved to the consent agenda. However, there were items which could have been up for a vote on the 21st. These items will now be considered on the 28th. They include a request for three speed bumps on Rees Street, an agreement on post-closure expenses related to the landfill, approval of spending grant monies awarded to the Americus Police Department for equipment related to a critical incident response and the time allowed citizens for public comments. Also, on the agenda was to make four appointments to boards and/or authorities. This business is expected to go forward on July 28.

The public is not only welcomed to attend the meetings but encouraged to do so. The meetings are located in the Thomas Public Safety Building on Lee Street in the Council Chambers just within the front doors. Americus Police Department does a security check of those entering the meeting, which takes minimal time. The meetings begin at 6pm. The meeting lasts as long as it takes to accomplish the tasks set forth on the agenda, however it is not unusual for the public to witness a particular piece of the agenda and come and go as they like.

The City of Americus also offers a virtual option through as well as a call-in line. The information to participate in this manner is posted on the city’s website at Also on the site are proposed agendas for the upcoming meetings and an introduction and contact information for the elected representatives.