County Commissioners Discuss Vacancies After Elections Workers Resign in Protest
Published 2:32 pm Friday, November 17, 2023
After the November 14th meeting of the Board of Commissioners discussed rezoning land for a solar field, Chairman Waddell addressed the vacant positions on the Board of Elections after several members resigned in protest.
“There’s three descriptions here. Supervisor of elections, clerk, and elections coordinator.”
Rayetta Volley, County Administrator, addressed the Board.
“They will only be filling the supervisor and the coordinator. I’m assuming they are changing out the clerk for the coordinator.”
Volley presented the job description to the Board.
“Once you approve it, this is what we will advertise.”
County Attorney Hayden Hooks clarified that there would be no changes in salary.
“When Randy was in charge, they had a couple of part-time clerks. The coordinator’s salary would come from those part-time clerks.”
Waddell asked for clarification.
“You’re taking two part-time clerks and making one full-time coordinator position. But from a budget does that have any impact?”
Volley stated that she would review the budget to assess its impact.
Waddell mentioned a Board member whose term was expiring.
“Paul Hall for Americus-Sumter payroll development authority.”
Volley stated that Hall wanted to be reconsidered for reappointment.
Commissioner Jim Ried mentioned that there was another applicant. Waddell mentioned that they would need to open up the formal process for applications.
Clay Jones commented.
“On these Board appointments, I think that you Mark, as chairman, you may need to talk with their chairman on the Board to see how this person is responsible, if they are coming to the meeting, before we reappoint them. We don’t know how they are preforming on that Board.”
The Board then addressed appointments to the Board of Elections. Volley addressed the Board.
“Carson Walker and Rhonda Reddick both want to be considered for reappointment. Dennis Taylor, we have not been able to get in touch with him.”
“Any of these positions party positions?” Waddell asked.
“Rhonda Reddick is appointment by the democratic party, and Dennis Taylor is appointment by the republican party.”
When asked about Carson Walker, Volley responded.
“He was not appointed by a party.”
Waddell stated that they should consult with the parties since they were party nominees.
Afterward Tim Estes addressed the Board. Among other sports updates, Estes discussed the success of the Winter B Gymnastics program.
“When we started gymnastics, we needed about 120 total kids each time to meet our goals for revenue. Now, for one full year, every six-week session, we’ve been at the 160 marker. This puts an increased drain on Mellissa Singley who is our gymnastics director. She is the only full-time employee.
We may need to look at doing what the Board of Elections has done where we may combine a couple of part time jobs and make one more full-time job so that we can have a full-time person that concentrates more on the rec classes, and then Mellissa would concentrate more on the team aspect of things.”
Estes concluded by saying that it wasn’t an immediate need but a potential concern. Estes was also elected GRPA president elect.
Director of Public Works Jim Littlefield addressed the Board. Littlefield mentioned DOT approved the truck route designation for South Georgia Tech Parkway and the District Line Road.
“The three remaining roads that were not approved does not mean they were turned down. They just want some more information on it.”
Littlefield mentioned signage proposed for the truck route.
“It doesn’t obligate them to take it, but it will tell them where it is.’
Ried mentioned reports that truck drivers avoided the route over concerns of a speed trap.
Littlefield mentioned that the only one who could stop the trucks going through the city was the city.
“They can pass a local ordinance and coordinate it with GDOT.”
Jim Littlefield also reported on the new company contracted to service dirt roads.
“Most people seem to be happy with it. It’s freed us up to do some other things.”
Afterwards, Volley addressed the Board.
“We will be getting audited on December the 6. Last year we got out of compliance. This year we want to be in compliance.”
Afterward the Board went into executive session for personal and potential litigation.